Sørlandet Hospital Accepts Millions Fine After Misdiagnosis – NRK Sørlandet – Local News, Television and Radio

Sørlandet Hospital Accepts Millions Fine After Misdiagnosis – NRK Sørlandet – Local News, Television and Radio

At the extraordinary committee meeting tonight it unanimously adopted the committee.

– A round on the court will only make more noise without bringing us further, says Bjorn Wale, chairman of the Sorland Hospitals team.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that the public prosecutor was suing the company One million kroner fine for mistreatment.

The public prosecutor believes the hospital did not adequately follow the doctor.

– We have a different assessment of the evidence in this case, ”Rockhill Hellkeson, the interim attorney general, told the NRK earlier this week.

She refers to the police as she was in December last year Brought the case to the hospital Accused after a series of abuses committed by a Kazakh doctor.

Sørlandet Hospital Kristiansand.

Sørlandet Hospital accepts fines from public prosecutor for violating Kristiansand Healthcare Act.

Photo: Heidi Tidlefsen / NRK

Not considering own status

According to the hospital, the fine will apply from February 2019 to January 2020.

This was the period when the physician was transferred from Flekkefjord to Kristiansan.

Mayvolt did not assess his own position as a result of the fine.

– No, I really considered and continued the important work for improvement with our talented staff.

He says they have a list of 84 improvement points, most of which have now been completed.

The company now receives the penalty, which eventually falls on the taxpayer. What do you think about it?

This is a contradiction. At the same time, the rules will be the same, not a hospital decision, says Mavold.

Nina Mavold, CEO of Sørlandet Hospital.

CEO Nina Mavold says they simply take it for granted that they are not providing the health care they deserve.

Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen / NRK

In his conclusion to the Health Workers Act, the public prosecutor noted:

“For failing to regulate the provision of health and care services to health workers in accordance with their legal obligations. If anyone acts on behalf of the organization, the company may be penalized.”


Hospital case in Sørlandet


Many malfunctions

  • At a hospital in Flekkefjord, patients were mistreated for years by a doctor who was not an orthopedist. Management knows he does not have this special education.
  • The management of Sørlandet Hospital transferred the doctor to Christian County so that he could take a special course. There he was given great freedom, and continued to run erratically.
  • Following the NRK exposure, 450 patients requested a new assessment.

System Failure and Violation

  • Following the NRK’s ​​revelations, the Norwegian Health Oversight Board launched a comprehensive investigation into the Sørlandet hospital and physician. They ended up with multiple crimes and total system failure.
  • The doctor who performed the wrong operation lost his credentials. He never admitted any wrongdoing.

Criminal case

  • The Norwegian Health Oversight Board has reported Sorland Hospital to a breach of the Health Care Act.
  • The actor was charged with both counting with the police district hospital and the doctor who performed the miscarriage.
  • They dropped the case in December 2021.

  • In March 2022, the public prosecutor fined Sørlandet Hospital one million kroner.
  • The Consensus Board passed a fine of $ 1 million on March 31 of the same year.

Management approved the relocation

At Flekkefjord, the physician served for eleven years as chief physician in the field of orthopedics without six years of expertise.

After several intensive surveillance cases and misconduct, management transferred him to a hospital in Christiansand.

As it turned out, Sørlandet Hospital accepted the administration. The transfer has been approved by CEO Nina Mevold.

The doctor who performed the wrong operation

In Flekkefjord many patients were transferred to Kristiansand, the surgeon who had mistakenly operated on them.

Photo: Svein Løvland / Avisen Agder

Have full confidence in the director

Group Chairman Bjørn Walle said the group still has full confidence in Mevold.

This is despite the fact that they accepted the fines imposed for the criminal offenses committed when he was the director.

How to put full trust when the director is in charge?

– He is responsible, but at the same time we place more emphasis on the important improvements he has made since taking office in the fall of 2018.

Chairman of the Board at Sjrlandet Hospital Bjørn Walle.

Bjørn Walle, chair of the Sørlandet Hospital team, said all abuse cases have taught them a lot about patient safety and improvement.

Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen / NRK

Deceive patients

Asked the Norwegian Health Board The police should carry out criminal activities Against the hospital after a detailed investigation of the company.

In December last year Police have dropped a criminal case against the hospital.

Many patients responded strongly to this.

– I feel very disappointed. I do not know what to say, said Margaret Annie Goodbergstottir.

She had a misalignment of her arm and is struggling with excruciating pain day and night.

Margaret 2

Margret Annie Gudbergsdottir was mistakenly operated on by a doctor in July 2019. Even after the police believed the procedures were adequate.

Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / NRK

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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