Space travel, highlands | The art of creating room for more madness

Space travel, highlands |  The art of creating room for more madness

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Space Village Hoylandt? Why not? When I was asked last winter to run as the Center Party’s mayoral candidate, it was to accelerate business development in the Highlands. I have accepted the challenge, and I would like to share with you some of my thoughts on the subject.

I don’t know How many times have I been asked if I cannot ensure that some company in Skogmo is transferred to Høylandet. The answer is no. I will not transfer any company. But if some companies are looking elsewhere, I think we should make sure we have everything ready to come to us. Commercial space, electricity, water, and preferably also the possibility of housing for company employees. The heights must of course be prepared.

I’m speaking He talked a lot with people about business and development, what is needed and what is wise to do. At the stand last Saturday I met two people who believe that the industrial development train here has been running for eight years. And I have to give them credit. There was a train at the time, and missing a train can be a scary experience. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get businesses here in the Highlands back on track. You will only lose if you leave the test.

Will we get? To something real here, commitment is what matters and the will to work to succeed. And of course the quality of ideas. But they don’t start out as ideal, marketable ideas. A lot of effort is needed before ideas turn into salable concepts that can be used in a business. All that is required is a starter motor to get started. Or to use a term from agriculture – we must have some fertilizer.

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In agriculture he speaks We talk about fertilization when we want to accelerate growth. Nature provides something itself and then the farmer has to supplement the rest for optimal growth. The composition of the fertilizer, the time it should be fertilized, and the amount of fertilizer have a lot to say about the final result. It’s not just a heater, but it has to be done the right way. The correct method depends on the farmer’s experience and constantly new knowledge.

In the same way It is also in the field of business development. Here new knowledge is often found in research-intensive environments, such as NTNU and SINTEF. Then we can mix situational ideas and experiences with the latest technology and knowledge, developing the basis for new work. Or something new in the company.

We will be sad For the municipality to find a scope of work to assist new and existing companies with links to the research environment, through the appropriate network and partnership, with funding via the development environment. The way we work at Skogmo.

The team works there By promoters as cheerleaders and agitators to get companies to achieve their best interests. To help them look up and see the big picture, even though they already have enough to struggle with.

Do you intend to? To make money in the future, you actually have to relate to the frequently used words: sustainability, green transition, circular economy. This applies to all of us. But what does this mean in practice for attitudes? There is a common denominator between all these words and that is technology. Artificial intelligence, sensor technology, and robotics will all become a larger part of everyday life. This will leave its mark not only in industry, but also in agriculture and municipal services. We might as well stay ahead of the curve and make some good plans for how to deal with this in the highlands. Maybe we can be the village that leads the way in development?

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Last week was We are Skogmodagan. Then we put the development into practice for all companies at the same time. We allow companies to tell young people about the challenges they face. New minds often have new ideas. Sometimes it’s enough to start a conversation and see where the ideas take it. Imagine a hundred young people from high school, learning about the local business world and perhaps being motivated to come up with good ideas. When we sit down and really discuss how to solve challenges, there are also suggestions. New ways of doing things emerge when people talk together about problems and look for solutions together. Or just share crazy ideas.

But what does it mean? In practice situations? There is a common denominator between all these words and that is technology. Artificial intelligence, sensor technology, and robotics will all become a larger part of everyday life. This will leave its mark not only in industry, but also in agriculture and municipal services. We might as well stay ahead of the curve and make some good plans for how to deal with this in the highlands. Maybe we can be the village that leads the way in development?

It happened Crazy and wonderful ideas in the highlands before. There may be more to it. At this week’s workshop, the question was asked about what the future industry is here. What should we bet on? In a fit of need to tempt the process, I said spaceflight. There was silence, and I was asked again what I said. I don’t think space travel is the future here in the Highlands. But the audacity and desire to think about some ideas that are outside the norm and the field, can start processes that turn into something new.

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The question is what The kind of ideas that situations can come up with on their own. The role of the municipality will be to ensure that ideas are not suffocated when they are born, but rather give them room to grow. And maybe just a tangible space to grow in. Innovation laboratory. A well-ventilated barn where the cuttings can take root and receive proper fertilizer.

The only thing that Certainly, the municipal council is not the one creating new adventures in the world of business. We will stand on the sidelines, roll out the red carpet, encourage and remove obstacles so that those who have ideas and want to invest have the opportunity to try themselves. If enough people do it, some will succeed. Business development in rural Norway depends on trial and error, learning and adaptation, and increased investment. Arnt Ove Amdal has a recipe for success: “Må torsa å værra Raid” (He must dare to be afraid and take risks). We succeed if we really want to.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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