Spotify Won't Pay Apple – Now They Answer This

Spotify Won't Pay Apple – Now They Answer This

“Spotify previously talked about an upgraded app for iPhone with an in-app shopping option. Now that hasn't happened yet,” we reported in March.

Spotify is trying to evade Apple's new 'EU taxes'

The war between the two sides has continued for so many years that it is difficult to keep track of it, but the hope was that the two sides would, at least, reach an agreement. partial Agreement, when the EU DMA came into force. It didn't happen. As for Apple, it said no to updating the Spotify app for iPhone, because the Swedish streaming service didn't accept Apple's “music streaming services entitlement.”

What Spotify did was send Apple an updated app that doesn't include links to purchase subscriptions, and only mentions the bare minimum in terms of pricing which you can buy directly from Spotify. Spotify thinks this is more than enough, and they do Because they don't want to pay Apple up to 27 percent (3 percent less than the App Store) — they have to do this “for all website purchases that Apple refers,” as MacRumors puts it.

This was answered by the Apple Spotify App Store team:

“We're contacting you with new information about your Spotify – Music and Podcasts app, version 8.9.33. As you know, Apple has created a new Music Streaming Services Entitlement (EEA) for music streaming apps on iOS and iPadOS available in EEA storefronts. This right allows apps Stream music using buttons, external links, or other calls to action to direct customers to a purchasing mechanism on a developer-owned or controlled website You must agree to the terms before adding any of these features to your app.

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We note that your current order includes an invitation to purchase a Spotify subscription on your website. As such, you must agree to the music streaming services' Eligibility Terms (EEA) and include an eligibility profile in your app to submit. For clarity, this right is required even if your application does not contain an external link (and does not require you to provide an external link). However, we will approve version 8.9.33 after you agree to the EEA terms and submit it for review.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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