Stord, news | School Robbery: – Books were thrown around

Stord, news |  School Robbery: – Books were thrown around

big: According to the police, burglaries and vandalism have been reported.

We will soon be on site for investigations. It was the principal of the school who informed us until 9 am, and this may have happened during the night. Police operations director Victor Vin Jensen says it is currently unclear if anything was stolen.

Three rooms are said to have been vandalized, and this is the report received by the police.

– I don’t know if this is a classroom or a group room. What has been reported is that someone entered through a window in the library. It does not indicate whether the window has been broken or not.

The extent of the vandalism was not known on Tuesday morning.

– We’re going to conduct investigations and secure leads. If anyone has advice or information in this case, they can call the police at 02800, Fenne-Jensen says.

– They were on a quick trip and left an imprint

Principal Ann Pyatt Sund confirms the incident, but:

– That’s no big deal. We called the police after noticing people inside the school. They entered through the window into the library and the room. Nothing was burned or stolen. Nothing is broken. She said they threw books and furniture around the room.

– So there is no serious damage to the room?

– of course not. The reason we contact the police is because we cooperate with them on other matters as well. This is part of the preventive work. Principal says they were here, noticing and talking a little with the pupils.

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She doesn’t know who was inside the school last night.

– but he points out that they just stopped in for a quick ride and left their mark. Then they went out again the same way they entered. She says the window was not broken, but it opened from outside.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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