Store does not go around Melkoya – E24

Store does not go around Melkoya – E24

In an interview with VG, Prime Minister Jonas Karstor (Ap) makes it clear that he will not be swayed by the massive criticism of the Melkoya project.

– Storr says about the offshore wind farm in Finnmark if there are only a few people who say yes and a few people who say no, then we will not make progress in developing society.
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He acknowledges that the project is entirely dependent on the massive development of wind power – and that there is risk. The prime minister insists that opposition from the reindeer herding industry cannot completely stop further development of power in Finland.

– We will not progress in a developing society if we say that there are some people who only say yes and some people who only say no. Then we have to move forward and see how to balance the interests, Storr adds VG.

Storr further assures that the electrification of Melkoya will not provide “lower prices” for electricity to the people of the North.

– That is why the government’s advocacy of electrifying only Melkoya was questionable. “That’s why we have said that by 2030 Melkoya needs to produce the new renewable electricity in Finland,” he says.

To prevent Melkøya’s electrification from raising prices, more than 350 MW of new electricity must be developed in Finland by 2030. In addition to wind power, the hydroelectric station at Altavassdraget is also to be upgraded.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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