Storing prefers to lower the temperature – V.G

Storing prefers to lower the temperature – V.G
Illustration: Storting in Oslo. The film was shot in September 2021.

The Green Party (MDG) wants the temperature to be lowered in storage and ministries after many businesses, homes and public buildings have done so.

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It’s no secret that electricity costs more during the day and many households are feeling this in their wallets.

On September 19, Storting held a meeting Uncommon Power GatheringLater he assured the Govt Fixed price for electricity for businesses.

However, the MDGs require Storting and Ministries to contribute by reducing their temperature to 19 degrees.

As of September 29, the temperature in Storting is between 20 and 22 degrees, Storting’s management tells VG.

Last week The Norwegian church lowered the temperature Up to 15 degrees in all the churches in Oslo, at the same time Oslo University Hospital And Oslo Airport Lowered the temperature.

Read more about Electricity price Here.

– Everyone should stand together and contribute

In an email to VG, MDG’s vice president, Ingrid Liland, writes that she calls for action by the Storting and the government to “save electricity in your own home.”

– Many homes, companies and public institutions at home and abroad reduce the temperature to save energy and money. Many are doing this in solidarity with those in Europe and here at home who face tough winters and don’t have the opportunity to save electricity, Leland writes.

Leland writes that top politicians can live well with low temperatures in their offices.

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– European countries are developing their own strategies to save energy for public companies. I expect the government to develop a comprehensive strategy on how to reduce consumption and save energy in public institutions, as we have seen initiatives in Sweden. Leland writes that it should also look at creating guidelines for municipalities and counties that want to do the same.

Cold: MDG Vice President Ingrid Liland prefers low temperatures in Storting. Here she is in a different environment.

Also, Leland writes that “we have no time to lose” and “we must look at all the realistic measures at our disposal to save electricity.”

– At the very least, it is important to show unity among the population, and our top elected officials and decision makers in society. Maybe in challenging times everyone should stand together and contribute. In Norway, Leland writes, there is relatively little distance between politicians and the people, and that applies even in times of crisis.

– Of course

In an email to VG, Storting President Masud Gharahkhani (Ap) writes that the Storting is looking into measures to save electricity in its buildings.

– Of course, Storing should also look at how we can save electricity in our own building. I have already asked the administration to urgently present to the presidency feasible energy saving measures, Karakhani writes.

However, the MDG adds that it wants to challenge the leader of the startup when thinking specifically about what needs to be done, and when the actions will be.

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Chairman of Storting: Masoud Karahkhani writes that he has asked Storting’s management to look into energy saving measures.

They have called on the Ministries

In a letter to ministries dated September 16, Minister of Local Government and Districts Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (SP) encourages ministries to implement measures that can reduce electricity consumption in government buildings.

– I have encouraged all the Ministries and Subsidiaries to see what long term and short term measures can be taken to save electricity. We know the potential is there, and I expect everyone to thoroughly review the savings opportunities available on their premises. This applies to both rented and owned premises, Gjelsvik writes in an email to VG.

Call: Minister for Municipalities and Counties Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (SP). Here in Storting in 2021.

The minister writes that each individual business needs to assess what measures are best for them, as it depends on the building’s use areas and energy system.

– For example, almost all government buildings use district heating and water-borne heat for heating, not electricity. Through Oslo Municipality’s district heating system, we use energy that would otherwise be lost for heating. This is positive for both the environment and the economy, Gjelsvik writes.

Nevertheless, Gjelsvik still sees potential for energy savings in ministries.

– Already, we have switched to more energy-efficient light fixtures and sensor-controlled water taps in many government buildings. Among other things, we are also looking at the possibility that the ventilation system can be turned on later in the morning and turned off earlier in the evening, writes Gjelsvik.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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