Strong meteorite over southern Norway

Strong meteorite over southern Norway

Tonight, the Norwegian Meteorological Network received several messages from people in southern Norway that they had seen a powerful meteorite in the sky.

– It is an unusually powerful meteorite coming from the mass Toridine, Says Steinar Midtskogen Dagbladet on the meteor network.

Tarits are a mass of Earth that passes through this time each year, resulting in successive meteorites. The mass seems to have come from our view from the constellation of Taurus, hence the name; Late in the summer many are familiar with the crowd Leonidine, Which comes from Leo and gives many shooting stars in the sky.

Unusually powerful: Tonight the meteorite was unusually powerful coming from the Daritz mass.  Viewed from a tracking post on Larvik at 19.47.  Photo: Norwegian Meteorological Network

Unusually powerful: Tonight the meteorite was unusually powerful coming from the Daritz mass. Viewed from a tracking post on Larvik at 19.47. Photo: Norwegian Meteorological Network
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– It came from the east and seems to have flowed into the sea west of western Norway. It burned almost all the way. Up to 50 kilometers in the atmosphere, and the light is very strong, says Midtskogen.

The meteorite was captured by several observation posts. The meteorite enthusiast explains that the space rock is no bigger than a fist – that is, a few kilograms – but that the compensating speed is estimated at 27 km per second.

– Keep in mind that twice as fast gives four times as much Kinetic energy, He says.

Mitskogen insists that there is no danger to humans or animals.

It was V.G. The first to mention the meteorite tonight.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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