Sumerhita judges rejected the TV viewers’ claim

Sumerhita judges rejected the TV viewers’ claim

The reality show “Sommerhytta” has been engaging, inspiring, delighting and exciting Norwegians since 2017.

Each season, TV viewers’ social media engagement ramped up as judges Lars Fossum, Ina-Sully Steen, and Finn Schgul had to go through both the good and the bad.

The comment fields are often filled with disagreements about the experts’ judgments and decisions on the program’s weekly finals.

The trio of judges: Finns Shjull (TV), Aina Sule Steen and Lars Fossum made up the judging panel at

The trio of judges: Finns Shjull (TV), Aina Sule Steen and Lars Fossum have formed the judging panel of “Summerhita” since its inception six years ago. Over the years, they have received both praise and criticism from television viewers based on their ratings and opinions during the show’s weekly finals. Image: TV 2

Three-leaf clover is no stranger to criticism, and has suffered a little bit of everything in his six years on screen. Among other things, interior designer Aina previously stated for TV 2 that she was spat out by the viewer.

Don’t spend time in negativity

This year, as in the past, there was no shortage of interest and response. Experts tell TV 2 they avoid spending time in negativity, and focus on pleasant and constructive feedback – the most common.

I focus on good messages and constructive feedback. It just means that people are participating. I don’t spend time on negativity. Life is too short, Steen tells TV 2.

In Season 7, the tone was bland, according to Steen. The interior designer says she’s received exclusively positive feedback from “Sommerhytta” fans. Often, she is met by happy and excited viewers when she is out and about.

– There was only positive feedback this year. People come up and start a “Sommerhytta” conversation—trying to fool me who wins in a hilarious tone, wants to take a picture, says Steen, and continues:

– Some viewers ask for interior design tips and help with color combinations. The other day I received flowers from a viewer too. It’s so nice that people are so passionate about interior designs, homes, and homes.

Here, Aina stuck: – I’m absolutely terrified!

Fossum confirms that he’s usually a good cook, but he doesn’t actively go in to read comments or messages in his inbox. A carpentry expert usually receives little rice, but accepts constructive criticism if it comes his way.

Honestly, I’ve experienced a little bit of that. I was lucky and got nothing but 1st pleasant and positive feedback. Perhaps this is because in my field it is easier to point out errors and defects or right and wrong, than in other people’s fields. But when it does and if it does, I’ll try to see if there’s anything in it — if it’s constructive, I’ll take it into account, he says.

The judge adds that he thinks it’s good that Sumerhita is still working both ways.

Reject the ‘hammer of empathy’

The expert trio ensures a fair and objective assessment in the weekly finals, meticulously going through each individual booth before making the final decision and handing the golden hammer to the winning couple.

Fossum points out that the assessments that are made are much more careful and comprehensive than what might appear on TV.

– Not much is shown on screen, but both judges score most of what’s been done, before we have a longer conversation, and sometimes discussion about who we think deserves to win the weekly final. He explains that when the gavel is delivered, we speak with one voice.

Discussion: Experts judge

Discussion: The three “Summerhita” experts, Lars Fossum (TV), Aina-Sulei Steen, and Finn Schgul judge and discuss weekly which couples will come out with the given golden hammer. Image: TV 2

Judges cannot, and should not, be partial, warns gardening expert Shugul.

– We have to judge from time to time, while you are sitting at home on your sofa, you can have a favorite. But we just have to do our job. The referee’s job, regardless of whether you’re a referee on the soccer field or in “Sommerhytta”, isn’t exactly the most popular job. I think if the viewers were in the shoes of the judges, I don’t think it would have made such a big difference.

Among the viewers’ claims that occasionally surface are claims that a so-called “hammer of sympathy” is being distributed – a hammer given to equalize the four teams in the competition. Experts flatly dismiss it as happening.

In “Summerhita” there are no “hammers of sympathy”. Aina says we only evaluate on the basis of whether and how a task has been answered internally and externally.

Participants struggle with uninvited guests – get great advice

– There will always be situations that make this questionable. Emotionally, we would have liked to hand out such hammers, but then we wouldn’t have done our job properly, Fossum believes.


Experienced professionals believe that a reality project creates a lot of buzz and life for various reasons. Among other things, the human side is central.

– I myself am amazed at the commitment every time. It’s about people and what they make of it. This is something most people can identify with. When they then experience that their favorites aren’t being rewarded, or that the “wrong” couple gets the hammer, that’s bad, Fossum says.

Steen also believes that viewers can see themselves in the participants.

Sommerhytta has clearly hit the mark when it comes to TV entertainment. It is very interesting to be a part of this colorful circus and to see it attract people. I think most people who redecorate can identify themselves in many situations.

Reacts to the participants’ idea: – Forget it!

“People love ‘Sommerhytta’, and things that make a lot of sense,” Finn points out.

Watch “Sommerhytta” from Monday to Thursday at 20.00 on TV 2 Direkte, and whenever you want on tv 2 play.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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