Sundry, 37, had to renovate the attic

Sundry, 37, had to renovate the attic

Around Christmas last year, Sondre Nylund bought an attic with stalls above his apartment in Wergeland in Bergen. When he decided this week to renovate the apartment building’s dry loft, he discovered something incredible.

Shocked: Homeowner Sondre Nylund got a real surprise when he was renovating his attic.

Shocked: Homeowner Sondre Nylund got a real surprise when he was renovating his attic. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Inside the attic, he found a hidden entrance to a small room that seemed to be from the old days. The door closed the room completely so that it could not be seen from the outside.

Hunting for treasure in the attic

The bunker behind the knee wall is still intact and contains items as if they were abandoned yesterday. But everything is dusty and bears the mark of untouched for a long time.

– When I crawled into the secret room, another world opened up, says the owner of the house eagerly.

From the small opening into the room, you see several objects on the floor. The secluded room is dark and dusty. It is so small that you have to crawl on all fours. It contains artifacts that may have originated from World War II.

At the bottom, the bed is hidden in the form of a small straw mattress on the floor. The wall behind the mattress is covered with cardboard. Art, photos and decorations hang on the wall. The shelf is raised with thin threads. The shelf is hinged and can be folded down. The room is full of hidden treasures.

– I found cartridges, drinking bottles, bandages, board games and newspapers dating back to 1942, apparently bearing German propaganda. Poinsettia and Christmas card dated 1941. Homeowner says and crossword puzzle where all is solved.

Now he’s curious about what this could mean.

Treasure Hunt: Perhaps one of the most special items is a 20mm cartridge case from a German anti-aircraft gun that may have been in the area around Virgenland.  Also here's a picture of a colorful seascape artwork, a scroll with Norgesplaster, and

Treasure Hunt: Perhaps one of the more special items is a 20mm cartridge case from a German anti-aircraft gun that may have been located in the area around Vergeland. Also here is a picture of colorful artwork with nautical motifs, a scroll with Norgesplaster, a “children’s book” and a glass ball used for fishing nets. Photo: Kåre Breivik

– Perhaps a resistance person was hiding here based on the size and layout of the room. Hence it is very interesting to try to find out who this hero is, says Nylund.

Sondre also found a calendar dating from 1945. It is dark green, small and dusty. Inside, many poems and notes were written. The notes may appear to belong to someone by name Henning. This name must be repeated on many objects.

Who is Henning?

Sundry volatility. “the seventh sense. Diary 1945 ». On the first page there is a full handwritten name. first name is Henning. The surname is difficult to decipher, but it may seem that it begins with the letter B.

What is written at the top of the calendar? Do you know this name? Contact TV 2 via email: [email protected]

Mystery: The Diary belongs to Henning.  But what is the nickname?  Was it

Mystery: The Diary belongs to Henning. But what is the nickname? Was Henning Boden who lived there? Is there anything else written in pencil at the top of the calendar? Photo: Kåre Breivik

Initials HB It is repeated on many items, including a handmade Christmas card from 1941. Sondre also found the poinsettia.

Can anyone really celebrate Christmas under these circumstances? Alone in a dry little loft in an apartment block in Bergen in 1941?

CHRISTMAS TIMES: Christmas card is handmade, drawn and coloured.  Signed

CHRISTMAS TIMES: Christmas card is handmade, drawn and coloured. Signed “HB 41”. It may have been Henning who drew the card. Photo: Kåre Breivik

There are several indications that Henning may have stayed in this rough attic for several years. but why? and who is he? And what did he do in this hidden living room?

– Henning is not known yet. But he is the owner of this diary. Perhaps Henning was a sailor. Nylund says there are decorations with ports hanging on the wall inside the room and he has written poems about the sea.

This is an excerpt from the poem in the calendar:

The largest ship on earth plowed the blue wave. In the south as in the countries of the north, but no one has to. Travel from England for steam and full sails. And high against the sky, towering over the soft mirrors of the sea.

Poem: Who wrote the song in the diary?  Did Henning write the poem?  Some text: «It was worse during the night to be between 12-2 on board and neimend if it was complete calm.  While some sleep and some playing cards, but no one thinks the boat is lost

Poem: Who wrote the song in the diary? Did Henning write the poem? Some text: «It was worse during the night to be between 12-2 on board and neimend if it was complete calm. While some are sleeping and some playing cards, but no one thinks the boat is lost.” Photo: Kåre Breivik

Hoping to get answers

Now Sundry hopes to find an answer to this puzzle.

– I’m curious if anyone knows anything about this. Perhaps someone knows Henning of the diary, or knows more about whether this was a hunt for resistance fighters, he says.

TV 2 can confirm that the close relatives of the one who owned the house during the war belonged to it Melorg, Military Resistance Organization in Norway.

Many objects were dated between 1942-1945. Is it possible that Henning hid in the room during the war? Nylund thinks it is important and exciting to find answers.

– I want to know who this person was in order to get to know the person who stayed here better. It really is indescribable. Trying to understand what I felt for this person, says the homeowner.

Hideout: This is what the secret room inside looks like.

Hideout: This is what the secret room inside looks like. Photo: Kåre Breivik

The property itself was built in 1936 and put into use on January 1, 1937. Sondre also explains that there was accommodation in some rooms in the attic in the 1970s and ’80s, and it seems odd that no one has found out yet.

– That’s what’s a bit strange. Because it was opened here. But it didn’t seem as if anyone was inside and recorded what this room actually contained. So maybe it’s time!

There are a lot of questions. Maybe you have answers? Do you know anything about this issue or have tips about what may have happened? Contact TV 2 via email: [email protected]

Here you can see more of the things in Sondre’s attic:

Old matchbox with used cartridge cases.

Old matchbox with used cartridge cases. Photo: Kåre Breivik

A roll of gypsum is inserted into a metal casing for protection.

A roll of gypsum is inserted into a metal casing for protection. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Comic Book Magazine.

Comic Book Magazine. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Norwegian children's book from the insurance company Idun.

Norwegian children’s book from the insurance company Idun. Photo: Kåre Breivik

German newspaper propaganda from the war?

German newspaper propaganda from the war? Photo: Kåre Breivik

small belt.  They may have been used on rifle pistols.

small belt. They may have been used on rifle pistols. Photo: Kåre Breivik

The top of the cap is on a board game.

The top of the cap is on a board game. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Tram ticket from Bergens Sporvei.

Tram ticket from Bergens Sporvei. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Dusty old board game.  It is possible that this game is also from the days of the war.

Dusty old board game. It is possible that this game is also from the days of the war. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Scientific games.

Scientific games. Photo: Kåre Breivik

A bed with a straw mattress and pillows upholstered in dry leather.

A bed with a straw mattress and pillows upholstered in dry leather. Photo: Kåre Breivik

German army knife from World War II.

German army knife from World War II. Photo: Kåre Breivik

An old matchbox with used cartridge cases and a metal model of a German Messerschmidt fighter.

An old matchbox with used cartridge cases and a metal model of a German Messerschmidt fighter. Photo: Kåre Breivik

The weekly magazine “Hajmat” in 1942. Photo: Kar Breivik

Sundry studies the things outside the entrance to the small room.

Sundry studies the things outside the entrance to the small room. Photo: Kåre Breivik

This is how things were when TV 2 arrived on the scene.  Most of it was untouched as the homeowner Sondre found it, when we entered the cramped room

This is how things were when TV 2 arrived on the scene. Most of it was untouched as homeowner Sondre found it, when we entered the cramped room Photo: Kåre Breivik

Objects were found in the attic of Sondre.

Objects were found in the attic of Sondre. Photo: Kåre Breivik

She is currently helped by the incidents named Henning.

She is currently helped by the incidents named Henning. Photo: Kåre Breivik

American match brochure.  The thin type that you can easily fit into a shirt or jacket pocket, where matches are cut from the brochure if necessary.

American Match Handbook. The thin type that you can easily fit into a shirt or jacket pocket, where matches are cut from the brochure if necessary. Photo: Kåre Breivik

At the bottom of the room are two short old straw mattresses, above these two chair cushions which may have been in the dining room chairs.  The wall behind the mattress is covered with cardboard, why?  Should they insulate against brick wall currents?  Hang on the wall beside it two pictures, each in its own homemade frame.

At the bottom of the room are two short old straw mattresses, above these two chair cushions which may have been in the dining room chairs. The wall behind the mattress is covered with cardboard, why? Should they insulate against brick wall currents? Hang on the wall beside it two pictures, each in its own homemade frame. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Seal pad from Bergen Protector.

Seal pad from Bergen Protector. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Old battery.

Old battery. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Engraved metal artwork.

Engraved metal artwork. Photo: Kåre Breivik

Two rifle cartridges were cut, probably from a Mauser, and assembled together.  why?  What is it used for?  Is there something hidden inside?

Two rifle cartridges were cut, probably from a Mauser, and assembled together. why? What is it used for? Is there anything hidden inside? Photo: Kåre Breivik

In the matchbox there are board game pieces.

In the matchbox there are board game pieces. Photo: Kåre Breivik

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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