Superstar Bob Saget Died “Under the Same Roof” – VG

Superstar Bob Saget Died “Under the Same Roof” – VG
Legendary Dad: Bob Saget became especially popular with the ‘Under the Same Roof’ series in the ’80s and ’90s, where he played widower Danny Tanner.

The American actor and comedian has turned 65 years old.


she was TMZ who first reported the death.

Saw, best known for his role on the “Full House” panel, was found dead in his room at the Ritz-Carlton in Orlando on Sunday afternoon, according to TMZ.

The death was confirmed by the local mayor’s office, the Associated Press and Reuters reported shortly afterwards.

The cause of death is not clear. Saw was on tour recently and played in Jacksonville, upstate, no later than Saturday.

For nearly ten years – from 1987 to 1995 – Saget played widower Danny Tanner in Under the Same Roof.

For eight seasons, Tanner has been juggling life as the father of three daughters, played by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, who switch roles as the youngest girl, Michelle.

Saw also had roles in “Entourage” and “How I Met Your Mother”, playing the voice of future Ted Mosby, and was the TV presenter on “America’s Funny Home Videos”.

Saw leaves behind his wife, Kelly Rizzo, and three children.

praised by Hollywood

Soon after learning of the death, praise poured out for Saget on social media.

Well, it hurts, actor Drew Carey wrote on Twitter.

– I loved Bob Saget. It gave me a lot of encouragement when I started. He was a true friend of mine too. Not just a teacher. I’ve always been looking for him, Carrie wrote in the letter.

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Jon Stewart, former host of The Daily Show, described Saget as “the funniest and kindest” on Twitter.

This sajit is especially repeated in many other messages posted on social media.

“You couldn’t find cuter or funnier than Bob Saget,” Emmy Award-winning actress Kathy Griffin wrote in Twitter.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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