Sweden sounds the alarm: – The highest ever

Sweden sounds the alarm: – The highest ever

The incidence of invasive streptococci has increased sharply in Sweden in the past year. As of December 17, 2023, 1,244 cases have been recorded – the highest number ever recorded.

The Swedish Public Health Agency believes that the increase should be seen in light of the Corona pandemic. This was written and reported by the Swedish news agency TT Express.

This year we are witnessing a clear increase compared to what was before the pandemic. Because of the pandemic, we are not exposed to as much bacterial material as usual, neither streptococci nor other bacteria and viruses. Immunity has become worse, and fewer people are getting the mild infections that build immunity, says professor of infectious diseases and government epidemiologist at the Norwegian Public Health Agency, Magnus Gislin.

It can affect everyone

Streptococcus aureus (GAS) infection is one of the most common causes of bacterial infections in humans.

– It can affect anyone, even if they are healthy and fasting. Without treatment and medical care, the death rate is high, says Gislin, adding that the death rate for invasive group A streptococcus in Sweden is about ten percent.

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Streptococcus is a very serious infection, and we infectious disease doctors have great respect for it, he adds.

For the vast majority of people, the bacteria cause mild infections, such as throat and ear infections, but in some cases they can lead to life-threatening illness, according to the Norwegian newspaper Lommelegen.

The serious, invasive disease occurs most often in older people, but it can affect all age groups. Cases of serious GAS disease are mainly sporadic, but in rare cases you can see geographical accumulations, writes the Norwegian Public Health Institute (FHI) on its website.

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Good hand hygiene

There is currently no vaccine against streptococcus. To avoid spreading infection, it's important to follow general hygiene measures, such as good hand washing, cough hygiene, and staying home when you're sick, according to FHI.

Streptococcal infections, whether group A or B, are treated with antibiotics, often penicillin. The characteristics of the bacteria involved and the type of infection they cause affect the choice of antibiotic, the duration of treatment, the form in which the antibiotic is given and the dose. Pocket doctor.

How long a streptococcal infection lasts depends, among other things, on the disease caused by the bacteria.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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