Swedish Road Administration, Traffic | Now plow stakes on mountain passes are smart: – We are proud of our ability to use and test new technology

The National Road Administration wrote in a press release that the plows are equipped with GPS.

When plowing pegs are set in the fall, they record the exact location of each individual stake on either side of the road. With a dedicated app on a tablet, the plow driver has an overview of where the plow sticks are, even in poor visibility, so they can always position themselves correctly.

Looking forward to using new technology

We are proud of our ability to use and test new technology in an operating decade that, with four high mountain passes, is among the toughest in the country. This has placed great demands on us as road owners, who look forward to good cooperation with contractor Presis Vegdrift and stick plow manufacturer Roadtech in order to carry out our social mission of ensuring a safe and predictable road network with high uptime.

This is what Sven-Egill Vinden, director of the Norwegian Roads Administration, said in the press release.

column guard

While driving up the shaft, each of the 25 vehicles in the shaft is given a shaft guard, a piece the size of a small mobile phone. The chips have an LED that lights up green when the distance to the vehicle in front is correct, and red if the distance is too great. Drivers of plow trucks at the front and rear of the shaft also receive information about the distance between vehicles.

This makes caravans safer and more efficient, and means that the road service can operate more caravans in a shorter time than it is today. This gives higher uptime on mountain crossings, and is something we’re constantly improving through the Predictably Passable Mountain Crossings Project, according to the press release.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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