Taking advantage of the Christmas break at school: – There will be little sleep

Taking advantage of the Christmas break at school: – There will be little sleep

Bragerevyen is the oldest school play in Norway. This year, as last year, the young people at Kongsbakken School worked hard to give the audience a really good show.

-We had a short time, so there was little sleep. But this gang is on fire, says coach Mikkel Soling Rundberg.

You want to give others the same experience

Together with Ådne Solheim and Eivind Karlsen Eines, he previously attended Kongsbakken School and participated in Bragerevyen. This year they are the coaches.

“I want to give others the same experience I had when I went here,” Rundberg says.

It will be late at night. But presenting the play is so rewarding that this is Eine's fifth year as a participant.

– The first three as an actor, and the last two as a teacher, Ains explains.

Solim also has nothing against late nights. After all, they have a goal of getting to the finish line with this year's play.

“This is better than Christmas,” Solheim says, laughing.

Coaches: Mikkel Soling Rundberg (former), Eivind Carlsen Ince and Aden Solheim are the coaches at this year's Bragerevy.
picture: Andreas Strand Iversen

Taking advantage of the Christmas break at school

The play is clearly involved. Many young people return year after year. Hedda Marken and Thula Holien follow the drama line. This year they are the main leaders.

-There is a lot of preparatory work. “More than you think,” Hollen says.

They have been working with Markin on preparations since the summer. During Christmas there will be a lot extra. There are many people to coordinate and tasks to solve.

-It's fun to be responsible for so many great young people. But the days will soon be long. At least now that Christmas has begun. Then there are days from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Markin says.

– We didn't have Christmas vacation. “We only had Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off,” Hollin adds.

For the two main leaders, it is very beneficial to participate. They are proud to participate.

-Bragerevyen's organization is a long tradition that we continue. It feels like a huge responsibility, Hollin says.

– The play “Brage” is, in a way, the great “pride” of Kongsbakken. It's very cool to be able to say that we are the oldest high school theater production in Norway,” says Markin.

Cast: There are a total of 50 pieces in this year's play. Here are the cast: Luna Stijn-Odessen (fv), Luna Drecker, Julie Poulsen, Patrik Carlsen, Hedda Marken, Elsa Wick Nielsen, Sneva Lagden, Ingfried Scholerud, Hogseth, Ingrid Bovik Lundesgaard, Niklas Smaglevkopf and Ingrid Os-Trandheim.
picture: Andreas Strand Iversen

It comes with a heavy blow to the mayor and those who take advantage of Russian time

This year Brager's play consists of about 20 different skits. They are linked by one basic theme: the café. They called the play “Bragatell Café” – a pun on Bragerevyen and the defunct Michelin restaurant Bagatelle in Oslo.

– Is it because you are in Kongsbakken that you are particularly happy to go to a café?

– Hey, no. Markin says that's because Bragerevyen's logo looks a bit like the Starbucks logo.

They say this year's play offers political satire and social criticism. It's going to be a little different. The goal, key leaders say, is to develop how they feel about the city, the state and politics in general.

– We address topics that have been relevant throughout the year. “Then we put it in perspective and mix it with a little humor,” Hollin says.

– We have a sketch where, among other things, we bring is Gunnar [Ordfører Wilhelmsen, journ.anm.]. “We're not very happy about rebuilding the city all the time,” Markin says with a smile.

Young people also raise issues regarding satirical actors taking advantage of the Russian era:

– We also address what it can feel like as young people to be “stressed” about everything. There will be actors who will make money from us as graduates, Hollin says.

– There are great pressures in the Russian era. Also with groups, Markin says.

Vocals: Ingfried Scholerud-Haugseth (R), Julie Poulsen and Ingrid Os-Trandheim rehearse a piece for this year's Pragerevi. The play was performed no later than Christmas Day.
picture: Andreas Strand Iversen

Unity, creativity and a little competition

Holian ended up a little random on the drama line. But it added flavour.

– The play is more than the show itself. The play creates a nice unity. Being able to share gives a lot of nourishment, she says.

Marken loves the play because there is a lot of openness to creativity and exploration. Last year it was a “senis”, someone whose job is to raise the props. She has completed her studies, and this year she is the main director and actress.

Thrives with Performing Arts: Hedda Marken and Thula Hollin both major in drama. They can imagine continuing in theater in the future.
picture: Andreas Strand Iversen

– Markin says that participating in the leadership of a play requires a lot of knowledge.

It may be useful in the future. Both Markin and Hollin can envision a career in theater and drama.

There are many high school plays in town. But Bragerevyen is only one of two plays staged by high schools. Brage's play is the most traditional and oldest.

– Will there be some competition between the plays?

“There's probably a little bit of a higher standard here than in other theatrical performances,” says Howlin with a twinkle in his eye.

– There may be a little “beef” on the second play, but everyone is happy, Markin says.

Bragerevyen has primary at Kongsbakken School on January 1.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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