Taking the turn from residents – and then there was a queue – was NRK Westland

Taking the turn from residents – and then there was a queue – was NRK Westland

Over the years, the Twist Bowl has been on display for residents of the health center in Ballestrand to feast on whenever they want.

But it came to an abrupt end some time ago. Because for health reasons, snooping is allowed only on weekends and public holidays. Sogn Avis can tell. They were the first to mention the matter.

– I’m a little bored, it’s a little small. Ann Liz Feden tells the newspaper that we are treated like little children who don’t sneak in every day. Feten is one of four patients in the Green Ward, a ward for relief and rehabilitation. There, employees are also reacting to the fact that Snap Bowl is now open on weekdays.

– They have worked and worked all their lives, so they should be allowed to enjoy themselves a little, says Maleen Djugam, who works in the green department at Balestrand Health Center, to the newspaper.

He recalls that malnutrition and anorexia are a major problem among the elderly

– Tjugum says, then, that it would be foolish to take such small pleasures as eating chocolate with coffee.


Elderly people miss the chocolate bowl at the health center in Balestrand.

Photo: Freya

Local politicians support the elderly

– An attack and very bad surveillance, says Rita Navarsade, representative of the local council of NRK’s ​​Progress Party.

Seniors at Balestrand Health Center no longer getting Twist and Biscuits have sparked strong reactions.

– The elderly have the legal right to determine their daily lives. But many municipalities violate that right. According to senior citizen representative Bente Lund Jacobsen.

For seniors moving into their last home, this can break years of habit.

Health is not money

The municipality insists that the move is not to save money, but for health.

Hanne Hoff, service manager of the municipality of Sogndal, says there is a misunderstanding in the whole matter.

– Seniors have access to goodies, but they are not displayed all the time.

He tells Sogn Avis that the municipality is responsible for ensuring that patients receive the right food according to the recommendations of the health directorate.

– Having access to sweets all the time can lead to poor appetite and malnutrition, and we recommend four healthy meals a day plus a dessert, says Hoff.

If patients want, they can eat sweets, especially on birthdays or visits.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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