– Talk about 20 degrees – VG

– Talk about 20 degrees – VG
Best in the country: Trams and Finmark are very lucky for next week’s weather. The film is from the previous year.

As May turns into June, residents of Trams and Finmark can enjoy better weather.


– In the northern part of the country, the weather will be very good at the beginning of the week, i.e. the last days of May. On the first day of the first summer month of June, good weather is likely to last, says a meteorologist working for the Meteorological Agency of Per Eagle Haga.
He explains that in the next few days there will be high pressure to dominate the climate in the north.

– High pressure is now intensifying on weekends, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and perhaps Thursdays. So it looks like the summer weather in the northern parts of the country will be nice and hot, with hogs first in the next few days, Troms and Finmark.

Best weather in the country

And only the residents of Troms and Finmark will get better in terms of weather over the next few days.

– At the beginning of the week it will be about 20 degrees, some slightly above and some slightly below. Then there will be summer days. If the temperature is 20 degrees or higher we call it a Nordic summer day. Looks like we’ll be back to Trams and Finmark in the next few days.

– Is it hot enough for you to swim?

– Maybe a slightly different opinion, I think. Some hardwoods throw themselves off even when the sea temperature is not too high, while others prefer to be in the water at about 20 degrees, not north or south. But it can be refreshing for some, so it can swim in that sense, but not for everyone, Haga laughs.

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– The sea is still cold. It takes a long time for the ocean to warm up. He added that it will probably be very cold across the country.

Very different in other parts of the country

In other parts of the country, the weather is changing a lot, the meteorologist explains.

– As for the Northland, it does not look completely black, but it does not look as beautiful as the North. But they also get good temperatures in many places with temperatures up to 15 degrees. Hoga says there may be some sun, but some rain, especially in the interior of the Northland.

Sun: Nordland can expect sunshine in some places over the next few days. View of Hestman from Guarrero in the municipality of Loroy in Helzland, Northland. Picture taken on May 27, 2022.

The south is still unstable

There is a low pressure area in the south of the country which will affect the temperature in the north later in the week, while the weather in the south will affect the whole week.

– Southern Norway will have unseasonable weather with sunshine in the first days of June, but there will be good chances of clouds and some showers in eastern Norway, western Norway and Trondhelok, the meteorologist said.

– Despite the clouds and buildings, it looks like we will get up to 20 degrees in eastern Norway. Haga says there will be slightly lower temperatures in Trondelok and western Norway with temperatures hovering around 15 degrees.

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Will not last forever

But if you want to enjoy good weather in the north, you have to be fast. It will be over by next weekend. Meteorologist Per Egl Haga, who works at the Meteorological Center, explains that next weekend there will be low pressure from the south, with temperatures dropping by half again.

– Nothing is permanent. When we arrive on the first weekend of June, the high pressure weakens and is replaced by lower pressure coming from the south, so this is the end of the better weather, followed by some gray weather and rain. Temperature drop again.

– In Trams and Finmark, there will probably be a significant drop in temperature of ten degrees. So we’m back below ten degrees, says Hoga.

Until next time

– So summer is coming for a short visit?

– Yes, that’s what it does. Unfortunately, this is often the case.

– When will the summer weather return?

– When it comes to perfect summer weather most people think of 25 degrees Celsius and cloudless sun, and now we do not know what the first three weeks of June will be like.

– Then it seems that it is more suitable for Norwegian, normal summer climate with slightly changing weather and slightly varying temperature conditions. We do not seem to get any of the heat waves that give us what we call the dream summer weather, but Haka says it’s 20 degrees lower than normal summer weather in June.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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