Taxi, Oslo Taxi | This is where things go wrong: the taxi slides into multiple cars

Taxi, Oslo Taxi |  This is where things go wrong: the taxi slides into multiple cars

Monday’s foggy weather created major traffic challenges in many places in southern and eastern Norway. In Oslo, several major roads were affected and public transport was at a standstill.

The taxi industry has also noticed tough driving conditions.

Several cars got into trouble on a steep hill in Bekelakshgemmet in Oslo, including a taxi bus from Oslo Taxi.

– I try to shake him to stop. He tries his best, but it’s too soft. I see that this is not going well, and pick up the phone, Kristoffer Bjåland tells Nettavisen.

He then experienced difficult driving conditions.

– I started at the top of the hill, just like the taxi, and I skied a good 50 meters by myself. He further explains that the same thing happened to the cars in front of me.

He is clear that there is nothing that neither he nor the taxi driver can do.

– There was a lot of snow and ice. Taxi couldn’t do much. This happened to most people.

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– Never experienced anything like it

Thor Erik Skarpen, Oslo Taxi’s head of sales, marketing and communications, says Nettavisen says the conditions on the ground were exceptionally difficult.

– Fortunately, it went well for everyone. Our driver has 20 years of experience and said he had never experienced anything like this before. Skarben tells Netavisen that everyone can drive after some paperwork.

He says the driver usually drives a big bus and the taxi has winter tires.

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– It’s probably not the weather, but the conditions on the ground. This has happened to many cars, even if they are static, Scarbon explains.

Skarpen adds that Oslo Taxi’s customers should know that journeys can take a while in foggy weather, but they can expect a safe journey.

– We no longer have any accidents, he concludes.

Roads in the area remained dry on Monday morning.

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It was very cold last night

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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