Taylor Swift songs have become the curriculum – VG

Taylor Swift songs have become the curriculum – VG
POP Icon: Taylor Swift’s photo here in New York last year.

Taylor Swift’s songwriting became a separate educational program at a Texas university.


This post was written by “Taylor Swift Songbook” Texas Liberal Arts.

From the fall, students at the University of Texas at Austin can immerse themselves in the Queen of Pop’s increasingly large collection of songs.

Express teaching involves studying the artist’s poetic style (32) in the same way that he studies literary giants such as Shakespeare, Frost, and Keats, but with Swift, the plan is to better understand the contemporary world.

Among other things, students will be taught ‘critical literary reading’, and Swift’s words will be examined in a cultural context.

Professor of English Elizabeth Scala will lead teaching. You’ll analyze and contextualize Swift’s words in terms of generationally relevant topics – such as gender, language, copyright, fan influence on the artist – and artists’ influence.

Since she got her big break at 18, Swift’s songs have set records – and have been the subject of intense speculation about it. Girlfriend delivery like that Copyright Disputes.

Swift and her regular producer Aaron Desner also released a new song this summer – “Carolina” – that’s part of the blockbuster movie soundtrack. “Where giraffes sing (where reptiles sing)”. Give references to VG The song throwing the dice 4.

The pop star, who himself came from Pennsylvania, was honored in May this year honorary doctorate At another university, New York University. The basis of the award is Swift’s success as a musician. A course is also offered at that university – but then in “Swift as an Entrepreneur”.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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