Ten Open Human Corridors – VG

Ten Open Human Corridors – VG

Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Verychuk said ten humanitarian corridors will open on Monday, according to Reuters.


Humanitarian corridors to war-torn cities can be used to evacuate residents and bring in food, drinking water and vital supplies.

– We will once again try to move the humanitarian column that brings food and medicine to Mariupol, Deputy Prime Minister Verstjok says, according to Reuters.

At least 2,500 people have died so far in the Russian siege of the port city of Mariupol, according to Ukrainian authorities.

Mariupol, located on the Sea of ​​Azov in eastern Ukraine, was heavily protected by the Russians. according to International Committee of the Red Cross The fighting has captured hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Other relevant cities for humanitarian corridors should be those near the capital, Kyiv, and in the Luhansk region in eastern Ukraine.

A military vehicle burns next to an apartment building in Mariupol on Sunday, March 13.

New conversations Monday

Ukraine and Russia will speak again Monday morning, advised Anton Gerashchenko at the Ukrainian Interior Ministry.

Conversations will take place via videophone and begin as planned at 09.30.

– Early Monday morning, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that our goal is that in this difficult negotiating work, Ukraine will obtain the necessary result for peace and security, adding that the two sides talk to each other every day.

Russians are starting to be more positive and responsive, President Zelensky’s advisor Mikhailo Podoljak wrote on Telegram, according to The Guardian.

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Podoljak is part of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation.

The continued progress in the situation in Ukraine depends on Kyiv’s willingness to seek a compromise, the Russian news agency (RIA) reported, Reuters news agency reported, Monday morning.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow was cited as a source.

A resident was evacuated by ladder from an apartment building in Kyiv on Monday.

Hit the flat block

Talks are taking place as a post-firefighting operation is taking place at an apartment building in Kyiv that is said to have been pulled down by an artillery shell.

Adviser Anton Gerashchenko in the Ukrainian Interior Ministry claimed that two people died and three were taken to hospital after the attack.

According to the Belarusian news agency NEXTA, parts of the nine-storey building, located in Opolon, north of Kyiv, have collapsed. 63 people were evacuated.

Remarkable progress

According to Reuters, talks between Ukraine and Russia reportedly took place on Sunday.

And a member of the Russian delegation, Leonid Slutsky, said on Sunday, according to the Russian news agency (RIA), that he was Remarkable progress in conversations.

Slutsky expressed the hope of the two sides to reach a “common position” and a document that could be signed, according to Reuters.

“Compared to the beginning of the negotiation process, Moscow and Kiev have made significant progress in achieving a result,” Slutsky said, according to the RIA news agency.

He believes the talks may lead to results within a few days, Ukrainian negotiator Mykhailo Podoljak wrote on Sunday. Watchman.

Here are the fronts in Ukraine:

Failed conversations

Talks between Russia and Ukraine have so far not led to a ceasefire that is holding, and Russian forces have shown no signs of slowing down the attacks.

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Thursday’s summit Between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba, there were fruitless results.

Ukraine demanded a ceasefire and a humanitarian corridor to and from Mariupol, which was bombed.

Russia demanded that Ukraine recognize Crimea as a Russian territory and the independence of the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.

Russia also demands that neutrality be enshrined in Ukraine’s constitution.

On the way: A child sleeps in Medica at the Polish-Ukrainian border on Sunday.

Nobody wants to give too much

Tor Bokvoll, a senior researcher at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, explained Thursday that the negotiations between the two foreign ministers largely mirrored those that were taking place on the ground:

Ukraine sees no reason to agree to something that looks to it like surrender, when it is doing well militarily. Russia does not consider the battle lost.

As long as this is the case, Bokvall believes that neither side will give in too much.

– This means that the war will continue until it becomes clear how things are going militarily. It is still possible to negotiate, especially on humanitarian issues and how to wage war.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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