‘Farmen kjendis’ host Teryl Sjestad Christiansen (27 years old) and boyfriend Stian Lauritzen (35 years old) became in November 2020 Parents for the first time, for little Vega.

– I was a wreck
At that time, she was pregnant while recording the reality show. This year she again led the movie “Farmen kendis” with a baby in her stomach.
– heavy
Christiansen is scheduled for August 20, at the time of writing, just four days later.
– I’m actually risking giving birth during finals week! But I didn’t have a premature birth last time, so we can hope he’s still well inside the tummy until we write August,” the presenter told Se og Hør. Before the registration of “Farmen kendis” in May.
Registration ended at the beginning of July, and now, several weeks later, the baby is still waiting.
BECOME EXPERIENCED: This spring, Terrell Sjstad Christiansen led another round of “Farmen kendis,” which will be televised next spring. Once again, she was pregnant while filming. Photo: Andreas Fadum / Se og Hør
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– It feels like a long time since “Farmen kendis”, and in the end there was still a month and a half left until the due date. I guess I wasn’t too nervous about giving birth during the recording, but more about what it would be like. And I have to admit it was tough during Finals week, she tells Se og Hør.
She completes:
– There were long days, we were outside a lot and had a little different weather. But I think I have to say “happily” the baby didn’t come at that time.

You will be a mother again
– I did not believe
The model during the second pregnancy was flawless. Still, despite the fact that birth is fast approaching.
– this is good! I can’t believe I’m going to give birth so soon. I was really lucky. Lately I’ve been feeling heavy, bloated, and zombie-like at times.
Proud parents: Stian Lorentzen and Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen became parents to little Vega in November, nearly two years ago. Photo: Tor Lindseth / Se og Hør
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The cheerful 27-year-old believes there is more to separate this pregnancy from her first pregnancy.
– It’s somehow the worst, the first time I’ve sat for about six months waiting for this to happen. This time I almost forgot that I was actually expecting a baby. But I must also say that I never thought of this, and that I would have two children before I turned 30.

The water went to the in-laws
dramatic birth
She and her boyfriend, Stian Lorentzen, tried to prepare as much as possible for what lay ahead.
– Yesterday I sat down and sewed a duvet cover, and we washed and outfitted the old Vega wagon. And then we put a baby seat in the car, which is very convenient, because when you see Vega she just says “Baby, baby,” Varmin Kjendis presenter Se og Hør told.
As Se og Hør previously discussed, Christiansen had one Very dramatic birth When Vega came into the world nearly two years ago.
– We had a “heavy” birth. She (Vega, magazines.) didn’t want to go out, and had to be taken with a suction cup. When they finally laid her on my stomach she was pale and lifeless and did not scream, so she was taken from me at once, she said at the time, before she continued:
– It was a difficult experience.
Read also: Loud screams and birth drama
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