Stig Arvid Christensen met Sami herding reindeer when he went fishing in Stabbersdalen in Borsanger.
– He said I should come to see what he found.
Inside the national park were scattered tourist food bags, petrol cans, bio bags, soda and beer cans and half-eaten fennel.
Christensen describes the scene he encountered as disgusting.
– I am shocked and angry. That it is possible to behave like that.
The operational headquarters of the Norwegian Armed Forces confirms the failure in routine operations. It was Altaboston He was the first to mention the subject.
Garbage is scattered all over the valley. It has been more than a month since the training.
Photo: Stig Arvid Christensen / Private
Multiple layers of trash
It had been more than a month since the defense had packed up after the Nordic response, but they hadn't taken everything with them.
Christensen said most of the debris has been blown away by the wind by then, and there is still more under the snow. In addition, he found debris in nearby Stabbursdalsvannet.
– If they start taking now, I think it will be hidden at least in that area, he tells NRK.
This is a gem of a 35 year journey.
Reindeer Sammy Johan Mathis found debris in the Kemi plains. It is owned by the Norwegian Armed Forces and moved from the NATO exercise Nordic Response.
Too much to take with you
Sami Johann Mathis was the first to announce chemistry as a herding reindeer. He was guessing the reindeer when he saw a pile of garbage.
Markings on the trash revealed who it belonged to. At the same time, they learned that soldiers were in the area during a NATO exercise.
Johann Mathis Chemie asked for help after finding all the junk on Stabbersthalswannet.
Photo: Stig Arvid Christensen / Private
Kemi has a habit of picking up garbage found in the plains. But this time he needed help from nearby trekkers.
– I didn't take everything with me. I have two sleds behind me as I drive, but I wouldn't have had room. It was very.
– We hauled a dozen petrol cans. We couldn't pull everyone in this crowd. We had to give up.
Admit defeat
FOH's spokesperson Johnny Carlsson says the Norwegian Armed Forces will now collect litter in Stabbersdalen National Park.
Photo: Jonas Løken Estenstad
Corporal Jonny Karlsson at the operational headquarters of the Norwegian Armed Forces confirmed to NRK that “it” was deployed under the Nordic response.
Non-collection of garbage, he says, is a failure of practice.
– Carlson says that the most important thing is that we clean ourselves, and it is done as quickly as possible.
He could not say when the cleanup would take place.
22.04.2024, at 21.10 hrs
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