Tesla, car | Tesla: Norwegians buy most of Elon Musk's cars here

Tesla, car |  Tesla: Norwegians buy most of Elon Musk's cars here

Messenger stick/Electronic newspaper: There is every reason to say that Norway has fallen in love with Tesla. In 2023, almost every third newly registered car was from an American car brand.

We checked whether this is a fascinating charm only in the central regions of Eastern Norway, or whether the whole of Norway has fallen in love with rechargeable sports cars.

Simply: Where are the most Tesla cars per capita?

Which municipality has the largest number of Tesla cars?

In the window above, you can search for your municipality to see how many Tesla cars are actually in your municipality. As you can see, Baerum has the highest number of registered Tesla vehicles per resident.

Halden dropped to 134th on the list. 420 Tesla means there are 13 cars per 1,000 Halden residents.

Henrik Næss (47) from Fornebu is one of several Tesla owners in Bærum. He bought the car in October 2023, when he was trading in his Toyota hybrid. Why was it a Tesla when it had to be replaced, there will be a quick answer.

– Because prices decreased.

You have nothing but positive things to say about the car so far.

– It's very nice to own and drive a Tesla. At least if you have a charging station at home, like I do, Henrik says.

– Have you noticed anything about the price of car maintenance after changing the car?

– Yes, it has become much cheaper, answers the Fornebo man.

On May 6, the opportunity to drive electric cars on the public transport lane towards Oslo disappeared, without dampening the enthusiasm.

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-I work in the healthcare system and usually drive to and from work when there aren't many other cars on the road. So the fact that you can't drive in a public transit lane with an electric car means nothing to me.

In second place comes the municipality of Ostivol Island. Ústivöll is the most populous municipality in Norway without connection to the mainland, and the municipality is one of the largest salmon-farming municipalities in Norway. We asked Mayor Binti Kari Sletten Taranger, of the Conservative Party, why she thought that was the case:

-I think a lot of people got an electric car because traveling by ferry with an electric car was cheaper compared to a fossil car. Many of them have an electric car with a long range, because a lot of cars are driven in the municipality, and there are long distances to work, leisure activities, etc. With public transportation so poor, there will be a lot of driving, unfortunately.

Høll, in third place, is a municipality located in eastern Norway on the border with Baerum in the east.

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What do people on the street think about Tesla owners?

We took to the streets of Oslo to hear what tourists, visitors and most people think about Tesla owners and Tesla cars, and if we could guess which municipality actually has the highest number of Tesla cars per resident.

During the trip, we met people who came to Oslo on a private plane, some Russians and someone who had already met Elon Musk.

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You can watch the video below.

Check the map: Where are the most Tesla cars in Norway?

If you look at the map below, you'll be able to see where Tesla density is highest in Norway. The darker the red color, the larger the population in the municipality.

You can click on the map to see the numbers for each municipality.

How much do you know about Tesla?

There are a lot of people who know a lot about cars in Norway, but do you know the basics about Tesla? You can take a short quiz below which may reveal how much knowledge you actually have.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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