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Today is exactly one year since the government decided 15 million mink were killed in Denmark.
Tonight, Prime Minister Matteo Fredericksen (Social Democrats) had to stand up for the United Press Force.
The move has become a political nightmare for the Prime Minister as the move to prevent the spread of Govt-19 from mink to mink and possibly to humans.
In particular, the deletion of several text messages between the Prime Minister and other high-ranking officials has drawn sharp criticism of the government.
Need to retrieve SMS
Tonight there was an activity on Mete Frederickson’s phones, which revealed that the messages had been deleted automatically.
– This happened before Ming was killed and before the Mink Commission began its work, Frederickson told a news conference Wednesday night.
Critics believe the text messages may contain evidence that the government knew Ming had violated the assassination law. But the Prime Minister says no.
But despite this he is now crawling to the cross and the technicians have begun an extensive work trying to recreate what he wrote.
– Do text messages show that we are writing to each other in direct language? Yes, they will. This is what happens when we are in a critical crisis, says Mete Frederickson.
Miner it made sense
Last year, a commission was set up to find out who was responsible for the order to kill 15 million mink.
She categorically denies that they want to show Ming any knowledge of what can and cannot be done.
– I am completely silent on the work of the High Mink Commission. “I support the decisions I have made,” Frederickson said.
He also said he had received advice from Barbara Bertelson, the head of the ministry, to delete text messages automatically.
– I think it makes sense, said the Prime Minister.
But Frederickson, who met with reporters Wednesday night, was a notable. She also had to regret that the government was generally reluctant to send documents to the commission investigating the illegal killing of millions of minks.
– We want to make sure the Mink Commission got the right information, he said.
Gas Mink: The government used gas to kill 15 million mink in Denmark.
Photo: Morton Striker / AFP
Illegal massacre
In November 2020, professionals and politicians in Denmark feared that the corona-infected mink infection would spread further.
But after all the minks had been massacred and buried in Denmark, it emerged a quarter of an hour later that the government was not allowed to make any decision to kill the new mink.
This led to the Minister of Food and Agriculture Mogans Jensen resigned.
A quarter of an hour later, Tejs Binder, head of the Department of the Environment and Food Ministry, found out that killing Mink people in Denmark was illegal.
But the top official failed to inform the political leadership about this and then the politicians should have checked this on their own initiative, he said.
– If the government thinks this is the right way, they should establish the relevant legislative functions before making a decision, Binder said.
In November 2020 NRK visited a farm in Golding, Denmark. Many minks were killed here.
Others were not deleted
Danish Marx Radio reports that former Prime Minister Lars Locke Rasmussen said he did not delete text messages when he was prime minister.
DR writes that neither the Minister of Justice nor the Minister of Defense deletes their messages and therefore the handling of confidential information is not a widespread practice in the Ministries.
Another question is whether deleted text messages can be retrieved.
According to one expert, deleted text messages can be explicitly repaired through a special system accessible to the police and insurance companies.
– Jan Kaastrup, a partner in CSIS’s insurance company, had previously told DR that it was clear that the survey would actually take longer from the time they were deleted.
Denmark: Some assassinations are illegal
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