The beer party is scheduled to take place during the fall elections

The beer party is scheduled to take place during the fall elections
The beer party is scheduled to take place during the fall elections

Austria’s Bierpartei – beer party in Norwegian – is set to hold early elections in Vienna.


Sometimes simpler is better.

If you want a good turnout, why not offer voters a free beer per pint?

This is the Pierre Party’s tactic towards the elections in it Austrian state of Vienna Austrian state of ViennaVienna is also the name of the capital of Austria. In 2025. And it seems to be working.

In fact, as of the time of writing, they have 12 percent support, which would today make them the third largest party in the state, according to the newspaper. pass.

50 liters for adults and 20 liters for children

It’s hard to know exactly how seriously to take burlesque parties, because burlesque parties are not a new phenomenon.

19,000 people voted for Atle Antonsen and Johan Gulden’s satirical project Political party During the 2001 general elections.

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However, Bearparti’s leader, punk musician Dominik Vlazny, claims he will keep his word.

He founded the party in 2015, and insists they intend to distribute 50 liters of free beer a month to all adult Austrians if they come into office.

It does not discriminate on the basis of age: children should receive 20 litres.

In addition, it promises to introduce special bases for Radler’s drink – a mixture of lemon soda and beer. He believes this is an “abomination,” so he will order them to pay 50 percent of the taxes.

Beer, beer and more beer: Party leader Dominik Wlaszny plays in the band called Turbobier.  Here from a concert in 2016.

Believe it or not, the promises of almost free alcohol have held true in the past as well. In 2022, Velazny ran for president, ending up in a sensational third place.

He then received 8.3 percent of the votes. That is 337 thousand people.

If the country’s experts are to be believed, it will take some time until Velazny does not become an election clown.

In an interview with Kronen Zeitung As of September, election researcher Christoph Haselmeier was quoted as saying the following:

-At the moment, Dominik Velazny is doing everything right. With today’s measurements, he’ll be there, and he won’t even have to do anything. If he doesn’t say anything, he can’t do anything wrong.

Would you vote for a Norwegian beer party?


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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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