Since Monday, Bill (65) and Melinda Gates (56) have been officially divorcedAfter 27 years, their marriage officially came to an end.
“I made a big mistake,” the Microsoft founder admitted in a CNN interview.
Journalist and writer Anderson Cooper (54) on the show Bill Gates opened the details of his divorce on Wednesday and apparently wanted to clarify a few rumors and misunderstandings.
“This is definitely the saddest milestone,” said Bill Gates. “Melinda is a great person. This partnership is over now. It gives me personal sadness.”
As early as 2019, Melinda Gates divorce lawyers are said to have ended her marriage to Pilot. Her husband’s relationship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein († 66) was one of the main reasons for the divorce.
Bill Gates commented on the meeting with Epstein in a CNN interview, describing them as a “big mistake”.

Jeffrey Epstein (left) and Bill Gates at a meeting at Epstein’s home in New York in 2011Photo: Private – Internet
“I had several dinners with him,” he admitted directly. “In the hope that what he said about raising billions for global health through his contacts may come true.”
When he noticed that none of that came, he ended his relationship with Epstein and later became very upset. “Dealing with him is a big mistake,” Bill Gates said. “You know, there were many in the same situation,” he pointed out. “But I was wrong.”
Bill and Melinda Gates have been married for 27 years with three-year-old childrenPhoto: Pool New / Selectors
Despite being divorced, Melinda and Bill will be together for the next several years. Not only because of their three children, but also because they want to continue to run the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” for the next few years.
“We work in the basement with communication,” Bill Gates said. So we will try to continue this partnership. Melinda has incredible strengths that help improve the foundation. We always enjoyed working together. “
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