The coldest winter in more than ten years

The coldest winter in more than ten years

This winter, the national average temperature is 1.6 degrees below normal. The months behind us are the coldest in ten years.

Last year 2012/2013 winters were cold in this country.  It was 2.9 degrees below normal.
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In addition, winter cold has already set in in October.

– This year the winter was long and cold because the cold started early. It was cold in Norway from October to mid-January, despite the fact that the rest of the world was warm, climate analyst and head of the Norwegian Climate Service Center Anita Verbe Tyrdal said in a press release.

Average temperatures have been below normal in four of the last five months:

* October: 1.7 degrees below normal

* November: 3.5 degrees below normal

* December: 3.2 degrees below normal

* January: 2.2 degrees below normal

* February: 0.6 degrees above normal

Last year 2012/2013 winters were cold in this country. It was 2.9 degrees below normal.

Winters are in the form of heavy snow in many places. At the end of February, the amount of snow in the southern parts of eastern Norway and southern Norway was more than 300 percent of normal.

Compared to normal rain, the regions of Trøndelag, Nordland, Drams and eastern Finnmark had less snow.

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See also  - Small savers hit harder than rich ones - NRK Norway - Overview of news from different parts of the country
Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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