The death of a dolphin causes anxiety: – An alarming situation

The death of a dolphin causes anxiety: – An alarming situation

After the third dolphin was found dead, within a short period of time, the WWF issued an alarming message.

“It is an increasingly alarming situation and the need for intense law enforcement is being rapidly implemented in dolphin habitats,” the WWF wrote in a statement. statement on Monday.

It was CBS News who mentioned it for the first time.

LOWER STOCK: 2020 photo of freshwater dolphins, also called Irrawaddy dolphins, swimming in the Mekong River in Cambodia.  The dolphin population has declined sharply over the past 25 years.  Photo: WWF-CambodiaXinhua/NTB

LOWER STOCK: 2020 photo of freshwater dolphins, also called Irrawaddy dolphins, swimming in the Mekong River in Cambodia. The dolphin population has declined sharply over the past 25 years. Photo: WWF-CambodiaXinhua/NTB
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It is believed that the death of the last freshwater dolphin occurred as a result of illegal hunting.

The statement highlighted the need for prosecution to help save the species, also called the Irrawaddy dolphin.

– Illegal fishing

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, the carcass of an intact dolphin was found floating in the Mekong River, east of the Kratie Province of Cambodia.

The Irrawaddy dolphin, estimated to be between seven and ten years old, 196 cm long and 93 kg in weight, was found wrapped in fishing line.

Fishing Line: A freshwater dolphin has been found entangled in a fishing line.  Photo: Eam SAM UN/FiA/WWF

Fishing Line: A freshwater dolphin has been found entangled in a fishing line. Photo: Eam SAM UN/FiA/WWF
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Seng Tek, WWF Cambodia director, said in a statement that if immediate action is not taken “following an increase in cases of illegal hunting in dolphin protection areas,” Cambodia’s population of Mekong river dolphins will become extinct.

Stock decreased

The WWF proposes to deploy more coastal patrols, both at night and during the day, to take care of the remaining dolphins in the river.

In 1997, it was estimated that there were a total of about 200 Irrawaddy dolphins in Cambodia. In 2020, it is estimated that the dolphin population has decreased to 89 dolphins.

Full hits: A lonely lover of water has an unfortunate encounter with a dolphin in Australia. Video: Viralhog/red card. Reporter: Klaus Fugelero/Red Card.
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The Irrawaddy dolphin is classified as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Dolphin species are also found in two other freshwater rivers in Myanmar and Indonesia.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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