The Directorate of Fisheries is considering euthanizing Freya:

The Directorate of Fisheries is considering euthanizing Freya:
Famous Walrus: The walrus “Freya” has been featured in over 500 newspaper articles so far this year. According to the Directorate of Fisheries, not all the attention is a good thing.

Dangerous situations between humans and Freya this summer made it necessary to euthanize the famous walrus. The Fisheries Directorate believes the animal was “stressed” by all the attention.

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This was reported by the Directorate of Fisheries Press release ThursdayThere they refer to euthanasia as a “real alternative”.

– For now, we are constantly assessing the situation to see how things are developing and will provide more information in due course, says Nadia Jataini, communications advisor to VG.

– Does this mean you’re ready to kill Freya at short notice?

– That’s what I said. We assess the situation, she responds.

The Directorate of Fisheries has, among others, observed several dangerous situations between people and walruses in Badeplassen in Kadetangan in Sandivika during the past week.

Taking over the beach: The famous walrus spent last week at the popular bathing beach at Kadetangan in Sandivika, which is often overcrowded in summer.

On August 4, the police had to go to the same beach A walrus chases a woman into the water.

– Again, we strongly recommend that the public keep their distance from walrus sightings and not bathe with them. It is for one’s own benefit and with the welfare of the animals in mind, says Nadia Jadaini.

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The walrus’ journey through the Oslofjord has generated massive media coverage this summer. A search of the Retriever Media Archive yielded over 500 hits from local newspapers and national media. across the country.

– mental stress

The Directorate of Fisheries is in constant dialogue with the Veterinarian, who assesses animal welfare. They themselves believe that Freya’s animal welfare is “clearly impaired”.

– The walrus doesn’t get enough rest, and the experts we’re talking to think she’s under stress, says Nadia Jataini.

In addition to curious people searching for Freya on the beach, people have also been observed throwing things at the animals.

Freya was noticed earlier Both in Denmark, the Netherlands, Great Britain and in Sorolnes in northern Norway. So it is not unreasonable to believe that he will eventually leave Oslofjord.

– The best thing is that if nature takes its course, she finds her own way, says Jataini.

– What do you think of all the media attention surrounding Freya this summer?

– There are both advantages and disadvantages. For example, it was useful for us to put out a message in the media that there was a walrus in the Oslofjord and that people should keep their distance.

– At the same time, it has certainly attracted interested people, adds the communications consultant.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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