The emergency room is called

The emergency room is called

The emergency room in Lillestrom is experiencing a large increase in the number of telephone inquiries.

Recently, they reported that they experienced 45 percent more calls than usual Romerikes Blad.

On a normal day, they get 180 inquiries, but recently the average has been 260 a day.

However, more people are visiting the emergency department than ever before. Nevertheless, they encourage people to contact their GP if they can.

– Because many people don’t use their GP, there is a lot of waiting time in the emergency department, and then it piles up here all day. “We prioritize what’s most urgent first, and the others have to wait,” Donje Lorem, manager of the Nedre Romeric emergency room, told the newspaper.

Huge influx leads to long waiting times.

– The waiting time on the phone is unfortunately very long. “We are constantly working to improve this situation, but unfortunately we are not there yet,” says the emergency room manager.

A new emergency room in Aker in Oslo is also increasing demand. Now they ask people to be forward and at the same time more aware, before they show up, write Oslo newspaper.

The emergency department sees a high volume of patients seeking help for colds, flu, corona and other respiratory viruses. They encourage people to contact their GP first.

– Like all other health services, we are observing an increase in the number of people infected with the virus. Demand for health care and emergency rooms will then be high. A plea for people is to use the right agents at the right time, Elizabeth Nordel, director of the department, tells the newspaper.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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