The error costs you 4000

The error costs you 4000

This week, great spring weather has been reported over large parts of the country. At least for everyone who lives in southern Norway, it’s time to get summer tires on the car. Many people do the work themselves, which saves money and gives you the opportunity to take a closer look at the condition of the brake discs and pads in the car.

When the job of getting summer tires on the car is done, it’s easy to pat the back of the car and say, “Good job.” But there is one thing many forget and it can be a costly lesson. Examinations conducted by the tire industry show that nearly half of motorists drive with the wrong tire pressure.

Therefore, the first stop after changing the tire should be the gas station to check the air pressure.

Scale cutting

After half a year of storage, the air pressure in one or more tires may change. It can be expensive.

Check the pressure: the tire loses air when it is stored. So it’s very important to check the air pressure when you have the summer tires on the car. Photo: Ron Korsvall
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Tire wear can increase dramatically and so can a vehicle’s wear and tear if the pressure in the tires is too low. This results in increased wear on the outer edges of the tire’s track. Too much air in the tires also increases wear in the middle of the tread.

This is exactly what allows you to wear out the tire assembly so quickly. A set of summer tires, which you can normally drive on for three or four seasons, will wear out in just one or two summers.

The worst mistakes

The worst mistakes

burns off 4000

At NOK 8000-9000 for four new tires, I spent NOK 4000-5000 absolutely unnecessarily. If the tire pressure is 30 percent too low, the service life of the tire is halved, according to tests such as continental I finish.

In practical terms, this means: If you drive with 1.9 bar pressure in the tires instead of the 2.5, which is often common, it can cut the life of the tire in half. A 15 percent drop in tire pressure means the tire wears 20 percent more.

you an electric car

Wear: The tire on the left is showing wear from improper wheel alignment.  The tire in the middle is driven at very low air pressure, while the tire on the right is driven at very high pressure.  Elle: Continental

Wear: The tire on the left is showing wear from improper wheel alignment. The tire in the middle is driven at very low air pressure, while the tire on the right is driven at very high pressure. Elle: Continental
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If you drive an electric car, the correct tire pressure is also more important for another reason. Tire pressures that are too low can contribute to range anxiety starting. Here, the increased rolling resistance and the accompanying increased consumption can be read directly on the range scale.

A 10 percent increase in consumption means the same 9 percent decrease in the range of an electric vehicle. There’s also the fact that cold temperatures rob a lot of range and that winter tires with softer rubber have higher rolling resistance than summer tires.

Bad driving characteristics

Incorrect air pressure not only increases expenses, but also worsens vehicle handling. Too much or too little air will make the mounting surface against the asphalt smaller. This means poor road holding, which in turn leads to poor braking and lateral grip, as well as less precise steering. In addition, the chance of aquaplaning increases at low speeds.

The correct air pressure for your vehicle is often stated on a small sticker that the manufacturer places on the door pillar on the driver’s side. If you don’t find it there, it will always be in the beetle’s instruction book. Check tire pressure two or three times this summer.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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