“The Farmers” TV review: nervous laughter – VG

“The Farmers” TV review: nervous laughter – VG
Main contributions: Ayaz Hussain, Nader Khademi and Arben Bala (from left) in The Farmers.

Interesting, beautiful and very well played. But it is not easy to be wise.



Norwegian drama comedy in eight parts

Premieres on NRK on Thursday 28th October

Series authors: Anne Bjørnstad and Izer Aliu

Reggie: Iser Alio, Aurora Josie, Prowa Phappur

With: Nader Khademi, Arben Bala, Ayaz Hussain, Jonas Strand Gravely, Erika Strand Mamelund, Henny Zaidi, John Emil Jorgenserud, Kristen Groh, Jan Slade, Jamal Sheikh, Terrell Farrow, Andre Sorum

VG dice show 3 points

Wow, what a beautiful TV series. Mainly registered in Raoul In Fengyi, where the sun must have risen to the point of dull shooting, and where deep green forests and brown soils made digital images crackle but soft. Tourism office in Telemark You should soon send a bouquet of flowers to the photographer ukasz Zamaro.

In terms of looks too, I noticed that the people behind the series are first and foremost a creator and co-director ezer yo, He has experience of suitable cinema. “Farmers” plays with choppy clips, temporal narrative jumping, and the narrator’s voice taunting Morgan Freeman and scenes where the actors themselves address themselves directly to us as the viewers. Sequences that more than anything resemble the interviews on a reality show.

Seats: Ayaz Hussain, Arben Bala, Erika Strand Mamelund, Nader Khademi and Arben Bala (from left) at the Gordbrookrn.

Not to forget the actors who won the Best Ensemble award at the Cannes Film Festival two weeks ago. well deserved. It was time Nader Khademi was scheduled to play a leading role. But the team effort is the brightest here. The “Farmers” are full of new faces, and they are beautifully played.

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It is also remarkable that the series is gritty on the verge of recklessness. A comedy-drama film about a gang of devout dark men who travel to a remote farm to do something that does not tolerate daylight. Fertilizer? can hurt. (A line that had to be cut, about “The Terror in Kongsberg,” ensures the premiere will be postponed by a week.)

Cultivating the soil?: Arben Bala and Jonas Strand Gravli at “Jordbrukerne”.

Do we laugh? Should we be nervous? Do we laugh nervously? Is “The Farmers” a good drama about how a de-radicalized society by proximity to forests and fields, innocent children and money from Norway’s innovation?

something like this. But I tested it as a weakness I was confused about what we’re really dealing with. As a thriller, “The Farmers” is unimpressive. As a comedy, it’s whimsical, but rarely gets to your knees. Like the drama, it’s too complex to feel like throwing it away.

Because it goes slow, this story is about a Norwegian-Iranian single father, Marwan (my servant), who “kidnaps” his daughter Kiki before the stepfather’s parents do and, via childhood friend from East Oslo, Adil (Hussain), ends up on the farm in Telemark.

Angry man smiling: Arben Bala in The Farmers.

Marwan the secular’s plan is to stay low until his daughter’s fake passport expires. Adel and Khabib (Bala) and the Norwegian Tariq (Gravle Beach) – His mother calls him Knut – He has darker goals. They want revenge for wrongdoing.

Only job opportunities and women can get them with more moderate ideas. The best scenes in “The Farmers” are the ones between the heavy, sloppy Khabib and the stubborn little Kiki. Bala is a martial arts expert so far best known for his roles as gangsters and torpedoes. Here it is gradually diluted in collaboration with Erika Strand Mamelund (the discovery of gold!).

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Several female creatures intervene. The single village ladies interested in hip-hop begin to wink at Adel. And when the latter’s independent sister, Anisa (Zaidi – Mumtaz), arrives on the farm, an evil plan begins to unravel. In the meantime it was replaced by a new plan.

Unbelievers and Average Contentment: Nader Khademi in “The Farmers.”

Alius’ companion on the script side, Anne Björnstad, has via series such as «Lillehammer“(2012-2014),”Rowing(2018) andbefore signers»(2019-) has become a specialist in culture crash and fish comedy on Earth. This time there is a message buried in the village bush. Something like that can curb even ingrained hatred, and it’s healthy to be able to focus on worlds, facts, and values ​​that aren’t someone’s property.

The challenge is that he lies elephant Well-buried: “farmers” take many fairly long detours, and not all of them are fertile. The series also, by virtue of the subject alone, is doomed to become one A matter of taste. A potential cult series. Whatever that means today.

Watch the entire series references

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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