The German Catholic Association welcomes the World Synod in Rome

The German Catholic Association welcomes the World Synod in Rome

Rome, 17.10.2023 (KAP) The President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Erme Stetter-Karp, has expressed optimism about the Synodenversamung currently underway in the Vatican. Der Katholischen Nachrichten-Agentur (KNA) said in an interview published on Tuesday, sie habe wohrgenommen overjoyed that the World Conference is being held around the table. “Ein solches settings support einen offenen dialogue, so wird leicht unterschätzt,” she explained. She welcomed the opening of the Synod of Bishops at the global level “for the laity in general and for women in particular as participants with the right to vote.”

Zuglich referred to the secular German president critically: “Mir sind es noch viel zu wenge Frauen bei dieser Weltsynode! The Church lives throughout the continent, it is strong through the participation of the ihrem, and von ihrer karitativeen und gesellschaftlichen Präsenz. Das muss sich in Zukunft bei solchen Versammlungen viel strengthens the wider mirror.” The current World Synod contains a large group of women – more than women – Stemmrecht. Of the approximately 360 voting members of the Synod, there are 54 women, half of whom are religious women.

“Wir sind nicht die Einzigen mit Ungeduld”

Zur Innerkirchlichen Reformdebatte die ZdK-Päsidentin, die Auch Co-Päsidentin des “Synodalen Wegs” der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland ist: “Wir sind nicht die Einzigen mit Ungeduld. For der Weltsynode sind aus vielen Länder Dieselben Anstöße gekommen, Dieselben Anfragen critic Wayne ich das gesamte Bild anschue, sehe ich, dass die Weltkirche in einer drängenden Situation steht, etwa die Frauenfrage angeht.”

Unable to have a fragility, such as when there is a feeling of pain in the body, the sex is damaged. “Da fehlt es noch immer an Augenhöhe und Tief gehender Bereitschaft, das structural problem der Kirche entschlossen anzugehen,” she said.

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Please feel free to contact us at the time of writing with Synodalen Weg “it was connected to the Klarung dieser Fragen”. In their interview, Stetter-Karp emphasized their desire to meet with Pope Francis and said: “We want to meet Pope Francis and say: “We want to meet Pope Francis, but this is what the Pope said. He is not here. There is nothing wrong with him. ”

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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