After a meeting with the power sector and several regulatory authorities, the government will now have more standardized and consumer-friendly contracts.
– Minister for Children and Families Gersti Tope (SP) says the point of the new regulations is to strengthen consumer interests and rights.
For Grefsrud, however, the government’s initiative comes too late. Nor does she believe the new rules are enough.
- Read Fjordkraft’s response on the matter further below!
did not believe
Last year, Rasmussen was instructed to change the Grefsrud electricity contract, which turned out to be a costly experience.
He entered into a variable electricity contract with Fjordkraft where the price of electricity changed every 30 days, not hour to hour as most spot price contracts operate.
12,000 each in the months of November and December for the differently abled woman. She believes that power companies make more money from contracts.
– I didn’t believe it until I saw it. They don’t have my trust anymore, they don’t get it, she says.
Trigger: Bente’s contract with Fjordkraft is called “Garantistrøm”.
Photo: Roar Berntsen / NRK
Fjordkraft has stopped selling variable power contracts today.
NRK is again in contact with Fjordkraft. They refer to the earlier response of the case. Read the answer here:
- Many churches close during the winter months due to high electricity prices. Municipalities must take responsibility, the government believes.
I request the electricity industry to clean up the objectionable practices
Family Minister Kjersti Toppe (Sp), responsible for consumer policy, met last week with representatives of the Electricity Department, supervisory authorities, Elklagenemda and the Consumer Council.
Toppe will now have a fixed spot price contract that all electricity companies can offer.
– “We have made clear demands on the industry to clean up objectionable practices and comply with the new regulations,” he writes in an email to NRK through his communications advisor.
Requirements: Family Minister Kjersti Toppe will include requirements for the content of contracts and a ban on contracts where the risk to the consumer appears unreasonable.
Photo: Tom Balgard / NRK
Tappe asked questions about how NRK wants to make sure it reaches consumers.
– We will ensure strict enforcement of the new regulations from November 1 to protect the interests of consumers. Tope says the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority has given the electricity market a high priority and is working to crack down on breaches of the law.
– The Consumer Council tells NRK that sales of disadvantageous electricity contracts such as variable have decreased, but many still hold these contracts. Would it be appropriate to ban this, and those who already have such a contract help end it?
– I am concerned that there are still consumers in disadvantageous contracts without access to good and accessible information. Therefore, the government is now considering banning certain contracts, such as “standard-variable” contracts, and introducing an obligation to inform all companies of the risks involved in all types of contracts.
Tope adds that he has clear expectations for the industry to strengthen Elklagenemnda, an industry they have said they are now working on.
What electricity contracts are available?
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Spot price contract
Such a contract follows the market price set by the power transmission and varies from hour to hour. In addition to the market price, you have to pay an additional charge, and in some cases a fixed amount decided by the electricity company.
Fixed price
With a commitment period, you pay a fixed price for kilowatt-hours of electricity over a certain period of time. The bond period is often long.
Variable contracts
Variable rate contracts announce changes every 30 days. The Consumer Council initially did not recommend contracts other than spot price or fixed price. Many contracts in other categories are often more expensive and may have poorer terms.
Saved by Friends and Spleis
Bente believes the power companies are taking advantage of him without realizing that many people already have this type of contract.
– I think they have become greedy. “They think they’re taking advantage of the fact that people can’t keep up as much as we should,” he says.
She has been told there is a waiting period of about a year for complaints to Elklakenemda.
– After fighting people behind high walls, it took me a month to get back on my feet. “I could never have done it without the help I got from kind neighbors, friends and people who gave me money through the split,” says Bente.
Help received: Bente is happy for all the help she’s received, but says she thinks about those who have to stand completely alone. She fears that electric companies hide necessary information from customers, for example in a lot of texts.
Photo: Roar Berntsen / NRK
- After the bankruptcy of Spåtind Hotell, many apartment owners believe that all responsibility has fallen on them. Now they are protesting. Read more here:
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