The Italian coastal city near Rome was devastated by the hurricane – Stadt “zählt die Schäden” after the storm hit

The Italian coastal city near Rome was devastated by the hurricane – Stadt “zählt die Schäden” after the storm hit
  • Patrick Mayer

    PhonePatrick Mayer


A hurricane caused severe damage in the Italian seaside resort of Fregene, near Rome. Many beaches are flooded by hurricanes.

Fregene – This is why there is no such thing in italien heim. Storm Ciaran has caused severe damage in the past few days, especially in the Tuscany region in central Italy.

Unwetter in Italian: Wirbelsturm an der römischen Küste bei Fregene

Last weekend, the next storm hit what is called in popular language “römische Küste”, an area not far from the Italian capital between Ostia and Fregene. On Sunday morning (November 5) at 8 a.m., a tornado hit the popular coastal town of Fregin with a storm. The wassermassen aus dem more fluteten ganze strandabschnitte bis on die Promenade, wie hrere italienische Medien berichten.

You never have to worry. Der Wirbelsturm has been largely modernized in part. This will help you to run the fun and enjoy your shopping experience Il Messaggero. Fregene has a population of about 6,500 people. Gemeinde mit ihren weiten Sandstränden und hemeligen Pinienwäldern als Naherholungsgebiet for the Metropol of Rome (about 2.9 million pieces) were painted. Fregene, located less than 17 kilometers west of the Roman city limits, belongs to the small city of Fiumicino (about 80 thousand inhabitants) in the Italian region of Latium.

On Social Netzwerk, videos of landslides on beaches as well as damaged beach houses and umgeknickten trees were seen. He broke the average number of three meters and increased his height by 3.5 metres, he wrote Il Messaggero And berichtete das Katastrofenschutzzentrum in Fiumicino remained on alert throughout the night due to strong winds with a speed of more than 40 knots.

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A large pine tree blocked the Via Castellammare and Hauptstraße von Fregene. Der Verkehr had to be removed by Knotenpunkt demnach zeitweise werden, ehe örtliche Feuerwehr den Baum beseitigen konnte. Weitere umgestürzte Bäume haden Schäden an Zäunen und Bäumen verursacht, hier es more.

Unwetter in Italian: Sturmflut and Tornado sorgen in Fregene bei Rom für schwere Schäden

Das Unwetter in Italian habe abgedeckt mehrere Dächer abgedeckt, Herumfliegende Gegengendsgeschätzungen Häuser. Laut Rai is located in Wirbelsturm mehrere Holzhütten im Arcobaleno einstürzen, einer Strandanlage mit Umkleidekabinen, Imbissen, Restaurant-Terrassen and Sportmöglichkeiten. Berichte über Verletzte oder gar Tote durch das Unwetter gab es bis Montag (November 6) It is not. The Feuerwehr and Kataspherenschutz must be delivered to the Überschäften verschaffen to be able to estimate the damages. (evening.)

Title list image: © Adriano Conte/dpa

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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