The long way back – VG

The long way back – VG
Tight gang: ABBA is back after 40 years – without much thought on his mind, strictly speaking.

Album: Pop
“a trip”
(polar / global)

A big step for the future brand ABBA. A mouse step in the wrong direction for the orchestra’s certification.


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For those of us who grew up with and loved ABBA in the early ’80s, in the aftermath of Bjorn and Penny’s split from Agneta and Frieda, there was solace in the band’s scandalous swan song—the gorgeous, industrial, and very lonely divorce album “Visitors” (1981)—after all, one of their most Their versions are unique and powerful.

After 40 years, the Quartet has succumbed to constant (and significant) pressure to make a comeback. Next year, from May to December, ABBA – or digital ABBA participants, whatever that means – can be experienced in a purpose-built arena in London’s Olympic Park.

“Voyage,” the group’s ninth studio album, could and should likely be seen as a byproduct of this album. The ten songs were written and produced by Ulvaeus and Andersson, who since last time have been working on adjacent musicals and expressions. Something many songs are highlighted with, to say the least.

The long opening track “I Still Believe In You” continues General and stagnant soft cake song. It is accompanied by the Christmas song (!) “Little Things”, Roxette’s mysterious reworked song “I Can Be That Woman” and the cheerful ending “Anthem of Freedom”. Celtic elements also appear along the way, without being seen as convincing.

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The funniest and best songs in “Voyage” are the ones that give a little fun, uh. The song “Don’t Shut Me Down” doesn’t have the album’s only slick feature – “Dancing Queen” glissando that lands in minor instead of major – but it’s also loose and free enough to claim a place among the top 50 songs of the four bands. The poetry in No Doubt It is inspired, and it’s also pretty hard to hate the slightly crazy dance troupe in “Just a Notion.”

With an overall life expectancy of 296 years, it would of course be naive to expect ABBA to push music history by as much as a millimeter in any direction. And you almost have to treat the gang to a profitable year in the spotlight, while they still have a chance to enjoy it.

But it’s not as though Benny and Bjorn have fully understood what made their music so irresistible when it was at its worst – an accurate ear for the contemporary musical pulse, combined with the ability and willingness to recreate it in their own unique image.

“Voyage” is first and foremost a deposit in a brand that undoubtedly has the right to life, but not much more – at least not now. Can you cross your fingers? King et?

the best song: “Don’t shut me down”

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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