The Moon2022, Vegetarian | Now John (64) is making a comeback – appearing at a festival dressed as a sausage

The Moon2022, Vegetarian |  Now John (64) is making a comeback – appearing at a festival dressed as a sausage

Published on Tuesday Fredrikstad Blad Reader post by John Faller. It boiled over the comment section – in the newspaper and on Facebook.

– I have to say I’m a little worried. Many pretend it’s about food and many have commented “Can’t you take a packed lunch with you then?”But that’s not the point, John Faller tells Netavisen.

The Friedrichstadt patriarch lives just a stone’s throw from this weekend’s Boiling Festival.

The festival is called Månefestivalen and has been organized in the center of Fredrikstad for exactly 20 years. But this year, the rush for the festivities was a little less.

Don’t ignore it – show up in a sausage suit

In the record I Fredrikstad Blad Faller writes to demand repayment of his carnival loan. For Netavisan, Pallar says he is No They’re going to ignore the whole ceremony – even if it’s a little thin.

– I have a festival pass and am thinking of using it. But, I’m going to buy a whole outfit where all the outfits have sausages, so I’ll go with that. I’m not going to make a fuss, but someone will take note when they see me in my clothes.

Otherwise, he says the festival is a wonderful event and he is looking forward to getting started.

– I do not attach any honor to this, but I think it is good to speak when you react to something, he says.

Takes criticism in stride

Festival organizer Toril Frydenlund tells Netavisen that they’ve noticed their green food transition is generating discussion. He also points out that they have received a lot of positive feedback about the vegan menu move.

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– We are a festival that cares about reducing environmental impact as much as we can. “It’s nothing new that we’re trying to be more environmentally friendly, but we’ve been focused from the beginning,” says Friedenlund.

He explains that this year they have collaborated with the Oslo Vegetarian Festival to have a better overall food offering at the festival.

– Let people think it’s stupid to leave meat on the menu. But at the same time we decide who we book, we also decide the food we serve, he says.

Read on

This was not the deal when I bought the ticket – I had to return the festival pass

The debate that has arisen makes the festival manager’s thoughts wander back to 2014, when they booked only female artists at Månefestivalen. Then there was a commotion there.

– Once the festival kicked off that day, no one complained about it. We imagine that something similar will happen this year too and people will eventually remember this year’s festival as an amazing festival with great food.

Will treat John

Frydenlund did not approve of the late criticism of the food offering at the festival.

– We announced that only vegetarian food will be served at the function in mid-May. After a long time, we knew we could do the festival.

The festival manager says the festival doesn’t allow people to bring their own food into the serving area, but he’s giving John Faller a little challenge.

– Of all food outlets we are happy to treat you to a tasting round at John Faller, says Friedenlund.

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– holds all his guests hostage

Last week, debate erupted around the festival, and it was evident It has chosen to drop meat from the menu in its food stores and restaurants.

John Faller got it — and More with him – See red.

– I don’t like that they want to impose some kind of ecological idea on people. If it had been talked about earlier, things would have been different, but when it comes to common knowledge from a week ago, it’s not good, he says and continues:

– If they are going to cut the meat, they should say so before they start selling tickets. Now they have deprived me of the opportunity to buy a burger. It’s great to have variety, but food is completely different for those with special interests, Faller says.

Festival-goers used to have vegetarian options, but Faller says they’ve crossed a line by removing the sausage stand now.

– A large number should adapt to the minority, very few people in Norway think this is a good idea. That means they are holding all their guests hostage.

Shaiva won’t be used as an example

Faller responds that by changing the menu too soon, you’re forcing people to accept it, meaning you can say everyone was happy after the festival.

– Then we festival participants are used to being told that vegetarianism is good for everyone, he says it is not.

Faller feels that normal dieters are forced to eat vegan foods, and finds the method used here problematic.

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– When the purpose sanctifies the means, you must not do it. He believes this is an abuse of power.

The dreaded hot dog spoils the atmosphere of the festival

– Do you think food is an important reason festival guests go to a festival?

– There have always been long queues at the festival’s food stalls in the past, Fowler recalls and continues:

– Within the festival area, there has been a lot of interest in food.

Faller says that food is an important part of the “festival package” for him, and that some of the festive atmosphere is lost when he has to leave the festival grounds to get something other than vegetarian food.

– When I’m at a festival I don’t really care who’s playing, I’m just there for the festival atmosphere. When you suddenly have to leave the area to get a sausage, it spoils the atmosphere and is not good, he says.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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