The next generation of unicorns is expected to be on Slush’s roster

The next generation of unicorns is expected to be on Slush’s roster

Slash 2023

The expert panel hit the nail on the head when they predicted the success of Kahoot! And Bolt. Now Consigli and Spoor are on the same list.

Every year since 2008, Slush has highlighted ten promising startups through its “Nordic Showcase,” a list that predicts Nordic startups that could become the next billion-dollar startups.

This year, Norwegian software companies Consigli and Spoor ended up on the list – having previously singled out Bolt, Veriff and Kahoot!.

Thus, the two companies were able to participate in the “show” on stage during the conference, where they had the opportunity to talk about the vision of the two companies in front of a global audience.

– Confession

“It’s really gratifying to see that Slush, just like us, shares the belief that we are on our way to unicorn status in the future,” says Ask Helseth, founder and CEO of Spoor to Shifter, and adds:

“Being highlighted in this way is an acknowledgment of the great work our team has done, as well as the contribution of our dedicated customers, partners and investors over the past three years,” says Helseth.

Spoor is developing a program to prevent birds from being killed by wind turbines. Helseth also underscores the company’s ambition to achieve “polar bear status” – a term defined by Siri Kalvej in Nisnow that describes a rhinoceros that has saved the world thousands of tons of carbon dioxide.

– We still have a lot to prove, but we have built a great foundation to leave a good mark globally, he says.

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– A pleasant surprise

Being on Slush’s list also means free tickets to the conference. For Consigli’s founders, this was their first time attending Slush. Janne Aas-Jakobsen, founder and general manager, says they were surprised to find themselves on the “Nordic Showcase” Slush menu.

-We have no idea how to find us, but we were already told this summer that we would end up on the list. She says this is incredibly fun.

-What does that mean to you?

– She’s incredibly beautiful. Since its appearance, there has been a lot of interest. So the goal at Slush now is to talk to as many people as possible, answers Aas Jacobsen.

The company is building a data-driven platform for the real estate industry.

– We have great confidence in this company, but to hear from someone from the outside that they also have faith and put us on such a list is a great compliment, she says.

The conference was very busy for the two founders, who took advantage of the opportunity to meet as many people as possible.

-We have already spoken to several venture capitalists. We were “stuck” in meetings all yesterday. Aas Jacobsen says there were about 14 investor meetings.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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