The Nordic region’s largest family park fears a stink bomb.

The Nordic region’s largest family park fears a stink bomb.

Norwegians love to spend beautiful holidays in Denmark. The many family parks are one of the reasons why people make a pilgrimage to Denmark every year. Parks such as Legoland, Fårup, Tivoli and Zoo are among those that receive thousands of Norwegian guests every year.

The same applies to the Djur summer grounds, which are referred to as the largest summer grounds in the Nordic region.

The park employs 850 staff and last year made an annual profit of NOK 55 million after welcoming 878,000 guests inside the gates of Nemtofte on Jutland, not including Aarhus and Ebeltoft.

a surprise: If you are unlucky enough to have a woolen garment shrink during the wash, don’t think you should throw away the garment. The solution to this problem can be found in the bathroom. Video: Embla Hjort Larsen.
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in danger

But now the park fears for its existence. Last week, the municipality of Sidjur agreed that a local player could be given the opportunity to set up a biogas plant just one kilometer from the popular park.

Djur Sommerland fears that a smelly backyard biogas plant could threaten the park’s existence by prompting guests to flee to other parks.

The park’s managing director, Henrik B. Nielsen, Djoers Somerland could be at risk if developers get permission to build a biogas plant near the main tourist attraction.

He writes Danish travel website (Requires login)

- Unfortunately, a problem

– Unfortunately, a problem

Sound the alarm

Earlier this year, a tourism development plan was approved in the central part of Djursland, which focuses on increasing accommodation capacity and more attractions, including a new holiday park near Djurs Sommerland.

But now the family park manager is sounding the alarm:

– Concretely, we see that the reputation of the area as a tourist destination, which came about as a result of years of comprehensive development, and which was ultimately the basis for running a theme park like Durz Sommerland, would be permanently destroyed if one of the largest industrial biogas plants in Denmark were to be destroyed. It is located within walking distance of park areas, Nielsen wrote in the municipality’s consultation response.

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For his part, the owner of the biogas plant believes that the smell will be much less than similar plants with an older history.

Do you have advice about holidays in Denmark for me?

Hello, my name is Odd Roar Lange and I am a travel expert and journalist for DinSide and Dagbladet. Do you have a tip about your holiday in Denmark and want to tell your story on Norway’s largest consumer website Or do you have an experience, question or clever suggestion that others should hear about?

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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