The opposition is asking Tyne to remove the Enjoy Norway label

The opposition is asking Tyne to remove the Enjoy Norway label

– Should it be “90 percent enjoy Norway”? SV vice president Torgeir Knag tells Fylkesnes Nation.

The Nyt Norge brand is a guarantee to Norwegian consumers that a product is made with Norwegian ingredients. However, Dine is allowed to use the seal on yogurt containing 2.5 percent foreign milk powder.

The shortage of milk comes in the wake of the need for Tiny to import milk to cover a 15 million liter shortfall this winter.

Høyre, Frp, SV, Venstre and MDG believe that the Tine brand should not be allowed to be used as long as the products contain imported ingredients.

– Conservative Lene Westgaard-Halle tells the newspaper that the Nyt Norge brand should be reserved for all Norwegian products.

– Misuse of resources

Dine has applied for a distribution of 15-17 weeks to use the mark, says Nina Sundqvist, director of the Nyt Norge Foundation, who refers to “deliberate misnomer for a limited period of time”.

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However, if the problems persist over time, the KrF believes that now is not the time to give Tyne additional tasks, even if the party thinks the tagging should be removed.

– KrF does not want to incur the cost and extra work that tine would have to replace the packaging if it is short lived. “We believe this is a poor use of resources,” says party leader Olac Polstad.

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I want an answer

Alfred Bjorlo, the Liberal Party's business policy spokesman, asked Agriculture Minister Keir Pollestad (SP) to respond to the Storting about what Nyt Norge calls the brand “water”.

– It is important that we get clarity on what is happening with the Nyt Norge brand. It is an important brand for Norwegian food production and we need to maintain its value, says Bjorlo.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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