The pilot reached out the window to get the passenger’s phone – Dagsavisen

The pilot reached out the window to get the passenger’s phone – Dagsavisen

It’s one thing to accidentally leave your cell phone at home, but it’s quite another to forget it at the airport shortly before you board the plane. This is exactly what happened to a Southwest Airlines passenger, According to CNN. The passenger allegedly left his phone in the street area of ​​Los Angeles’ Long Beach Airport.

When another passenger detected the mobile phone and alerted the airline, the boarding had already been completed and the plane was about to set the runway course. However, the staff at the airport did their best to get the phone connected.

In a video shared by the airline on November 13, a pilot on board a Southwest flight is seen leaning out of the cockpit window in an attempt to retrieve a cell phone from workers outside the plane. While one of them makes an unsuccessful attempt to jump and hands the phone to the pilot, another steps into the ring, and also jumps, and this time the pilot manages to accept.

According to Chris Perry, a spokesperson for Southwest Airlines, the passenger who found the missing cell phone had spoken to the owner shortly before he boarded the plane and was thus able to tell the staff which flight the cell phone owner was on.

When the staff realized that the plane with the right owner on board was already full and ready to depart, they contacted the pilot.

The pilot immediately suggested that the ramp workers on the ground try to jump up and give the phone to him so he could return it to the owner, Perry wrote in an email to CNN and adds:

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The rest was caught on video!

The owner of the mobile phone has not been publicly disclosed. The video of the incident was released on World Kindness Day, an international day to promote goodness around the world.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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