The preference for EU debate among Labor politicians

The preference for EU debate among Labor politicians

Raymond Johansson calls for new EU debate in Norway He is backed by party colleague Gary Henriksen.

Gary Henriksen has been elected to the Labor Party from West-Actor to Sporting.

The war in Ukraine has sent shock waves across Europe. And in Norway. Norwegian politicians talked about a completely changed security policy.

This will pave the way for a new EU debate. In the “One Sunday” column in Affenboston this weekend, Raymond Johansson (Labor) walked out and called on the Norwegian EU debate.

There he puts forward several arguments for Norway’s EU membership.

Gary Henriksen backs Johansson’s call for a new EU debate in Norway.

– We rarely discuss international politics in Norway. It is important that we conduct a comprehensive discussion on how to better address the challenges we face in the future.

Henriksen is the fourth vice president to sit on West-Acker’s parliamentary seat and sit on the Control and Constitution Committee. He has twice voted no to the EU, but has changed his mind since the last referendum.

– I tried and imagined what Europe would be like without the EU. When I meet colleagues and party colleagues in other countries like Greece, Ireland and Portugal, it becomes clear that they would not have lived without an international alliance.

Today he will vote yes to EU membership for Norway. He is also a member of the European Movement.

More international politics at national meetings

Raymond Johansson writes that Norwegian politicians avoid discussing important decisions made in Europe because “it is clear that we have less influence over what is really going on”.

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– The war in Ukraine may have given many a new perspective on what the real goals of international cooperation are and what is important. Johansson writes in his article that we need to connect with a changed world, a changed Europe.

Henriksen exemplifies the situation in Ukraine and believes that the EU has proven to be very valuable in that context.

– They were able to get incredibly cohesive reactions. There are politicians who know each other about how well these countries know each other. It is very easy to agree on international issues and we see the need today.

According to Henriksen, policy around the EU is determined by the hurdle base. “The EEA agreement will form the basis of Norway’s relations with Europe,” it said.

– The most important thing is to get Norway in an active position where we can negotiate better deals through the EEA agreement.

Henriksen says that in the future the Labor Party will discuss international politics at its national meetings.

– I take it as an order. The situation demands this of our party.

Not sure if this is the right time

Fraud Jacobson is a colleague of Raymond Johansson in Oslo politics and believes he raises some good questions. He is the leader of the Oslo Labor Party and sits in Storting. He is also a supporter of Norwegian EU membership.

However, Jacobson did not know whether this was the right time for a member debate.

– We are in the middle of a war and there is a lot more on the agenda. Still, I think it should come very soon. The war will change Norwegian politics as well.

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He says it would be nice to ask the question, but he’s not sure who the EU member is.

In his article in Afftenboston, Johansson writes that no one under the age of 45 in Norway participated in the debate on Norwegian EU membership.

Jacobsen agrees, but says there are many who have experienced it.

– This is a very detailed discussion, it does not need to take a month for a war.

Attractive discussion

For many young people, the debate over Norway EU membership is a bit far-fetched. But there are some debates that have caused more division among the Norwegian people than the question of Norway’s EU membership.

Norway held two member referendums in 1972 and 1994.

In both polls, the Conservative Party was a clean yes party. In both polls, Labor said yes to the EU, but not without a split within the party.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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