The Romans Debate and Opinions | “Your development, experience, and education did not happen. It’s a high school you have to go to.”

The Romans Debate and Opinions |  “Your development, experience, and education did not happen.  It’s a high school you have to go to.”


There is no crisis if you choose the wrong education. Unless you’re a psychologist you want to be.

One day you realized that you chose the wrong profession. You want to be a psychologist. It suddenly became very clear. The psychologist, of course, is what you become. The characters are just right. It’s been a few years since high school. You have a fourth grade in social studies. She loves to write. Create easy-to-read text, displaying everything you can from contexts and links to other societal topics and issues. On the other hand, you are tested on how adept you are at stuffing. It was class at the time.

Now 4 isn’t a really bad score, but the message is clear. You are not suitable. You have 5 in science. This is how the grades go down the diploma. 4 and 5. The average occupation is over 6. The letter is clear from the registration, you do not remember the number of people in the government, you are not suitable. You may have completed a bachelor’s degree in nursing, sociology, psychology, child care, and nursing with associated work experience after high school. You may have a master’s degree in psychology. It is not related. You are not suitable.

The 19-year-old chose the “wrong” study, you can’t choose anything else. You want to use everything you have tried and learned in the public system as a patient, employee, and student in a related profession. You want to use it in a new career where you can make a difference. No one cares. It is not related. Start from the beginning. Back to adolescence. Your development, experience, and education did not happen. It’s a high school that you have to cram in. You are not suitable for this study.

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You take the topics. topic after topic. In your spare time, you volunteer in psychiatry, work at DPS and go to self-treatment. You are still only tested by playing, but now you pay for the scores and sometimes even reach the top. 6s in Social Studies, English and a host of other subjects. Your average is too low for two consecutive years. Several thousand additional in student loans. You are not suitable.

“Keep trying, try something else,” say the psychiatrists you communicate with. “It will pay off in the end, the education of psychologists is changing in Norway. In a few years things other than high school will be emphasized.” You cannot take any more subjects from high school and decide to try a year of study in psychology. Then you should only have A.

Continuing with volunteer assignments, related evening work, and self-treatment. You still have the proper education in your backpack, but no one is looking at it. Two years later, everything necessary for admission to the profession is there. There are a lot of applicants. Lots are drawn. You and two others won’t come. Try again next year modest. The following year, the school closes admission from a one-year study to a career. You are not suitable.

The experience you have is precious, in more ways than one. The loan you got is big even before you start your dream studies. You want to use your expertise, contribute. Many would like to enter for the same reason. He wants a lot in for prestige. Some will come to power. The list of relevant education, work experience, volunteer work, attitudes and letters of recommendation from people involved in the profession is growing. You want to use everything you can to make a difference. helps. However, you do not remember enough about the history of Europe in the nineteenth century. You are not suitable.

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Fildi Kokin, Student, Lawrencekog

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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