The royal family replaced Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s Russian greeting

The royal family replaced Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s Russian greeting
The royal family replaced Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s Russian greeting
Fantasy became a fashion: Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s Russian greeting remained untouched for two weeks.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra, 19, used the word Fantery in her Russian greeting on Facebook. Two weeks later, the castle changed the word to “fjas”. – Here, someone is awake, says Erwin Kohn.

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“Rustime is often associated with parties and parades – but it’s also about unity, celebrating with friends and fellow students.”

This is what Princess Ingrid Alexandra wrote in her greetings for the Spring Rush on April 28 this year. The post was published on the Royal Palace website and the Royal Palace Facebook page.

However, on May 5, the sentence was changed, a correction post from Facebook shows. Then the word “fanteri” disappears and is replaced by the Faroese loanword – fjas:

“Russetide is often associated with parties and fuss – but it’s also about unity, celebrating with friends and fellow students.”

This word of the castle was removed three weeks before the head of the Mosaic religious community, Erwin Cohn, wrote a column in VG: – Don’t use the word “fantry”.

“FANTERI”: – The use of this word is obviously not intended to harm anyone, Kuri Warbe, Fort’s communications manager, tells VG.

– No offense

– Kuri Warbe, Fort’s communications manager, tells VG that it’s important to know where words and expressions come from in the first place.

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– In this case, we were reminded that ‘Fundari’ has its origin in negative opinions about the Romanian people, one of our national minorities. So the word is changed, she continues.

She did not want to say who contacted the palace about the use of the term.

– The use of this word is obviously not intended to harm anyone. It is important that we help each other use inclusive language. So we are grateful to know about the origin of this word, he says.

… Become an “FJAS”: According to the Language Council, the word “fjas” has no pejorative meaning.

– Derogatory term

– The interesting thing is that the palace changed this before I wrote my history. So here are some who are awake, says Erwin Kohn.

He was unaware of the change until VG contacted him, but praised the palace and Princess Ingrid Alexandra for their awareness.

– It’s good. “Fanteri” is a derogatory term for many Romani/Tatars, but they struggle to hear it for a long time.

He says that is the reason for writing the story published in V.G.

– Why are “fant” and “fantery” pejorative?

– The term “fant” is not necessarily a slur. Some Romani/Tatars think so, but not all. However, derogatory is to make a noun out of it. The word “Jew” itself is not pejorative. I am Jewish. That’s me. But if you use words like “Jewish prices” or “Jewish shop”, it gets complicated. Because, Cohn explains, it’s meant to be derogatory.

He has received more positive reviews since his history.

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– Most people say that stopping using the n-word isn’t as much of a problem as it is to stop using it. A few are so outraged that they still reserve the right to use the term, he says.

You can read the full diary at the link below:

Read on

Don’t use the word “fantasy”.

There are still many Norwegians who are surprised to hear that racism exists in the country.

Praises Castle: Erwin Cohn believes Castle made a wise decision.

pranks, pranks, farc

Daniel Gusfrey Imes heads the Language Advisory Unit at the Language Council.

– I don’t know much about Fjas, unfortunately. Fant and fantery are a bit more complicated, he says.

The word “fant” has long and varied origins.

– It was not originally used for a group of people, but as a word to describe a poor person or boy. Later it was used for travelers and wanderers, and in this sense for the Romani/Tatar people group. He explains that much of this use is clearly pejorative.

However, this is not the only Norwegian word that has its origins as a derogatory term for travelers or the poor.

– “Skøyer” is a word we borrowed from Dutch, meaning to wander. “Farg” means traveling people in the Norse language. And “rocker” was used for someone who took a dirty and menial job. Gusfrey Ims says many words have their origin in pejorative use of travelers and the poor.

Like Erwin Cohn, he believes it would be wise to delete Slott’s word.

– The palace should be fine to do so after the trial. Today there is a question of how closely it should be linked to a group of people. I know that many Romani/Tatars are well aware that they are used derogatorily as a people.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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