The search for love: Jacten Jürgen and suitor Sophie became lovers

The search for love: Jacten Jürgen and suitor Sophie became lovers

sheep farms Jürgen Hen Brovold (30) sign looking for love Hoping to find a girlfriend – he struck a chord when he met suitor Sofie Skodjevåg Magnussen (27) through a dating program.

Already during the history of speed, you can see that sparks flew between the farmer and the suitor. Later, the duo exchanged a kiss Both front and back cameraand fell seriously in love during a holiday trip to Sørlandet.

When presenter Gunhild Dahlberg (47) came to visit Isfjordene in the final episode, it was confirmed that Provold and Magnussen were a couple.

Friends: Jakten farmer Jürgen Hen Brovold and suitor Sophie Skjodjevog Magnussen are brought together in Jakten på kjærlien.  Photo: TV 2

Friends: Jakten farmer Jürgen Hen Brovold and suitor Sophie Skjodjevog Magnussen are brought together in Jakten på kjærlien. Photo: TV 2

Watch a farmer and suitor declare themselves lovers in the video at the top of the story.

– Wizard

When TV 2 called the farmer in love after recording this summer, he’s thrilled to bring the Sunnmøre woman into his life.

Sophie and I get on really well, and we’ve had that chemistry right from the start. We got to know each other so well and I appreciate all her values ​​and morals, he says.

Brovold further shares that Magnussen actually singled himself out from the engagement letters.

– There was something special about her from the start. She was very good at writing messages and then I attached a great video that I liked. Even there I was totally intrigued. I had high expectations to meet her, and they succeeded. The whole time during Hunt Week I was keeping a close eye on her, he says, and he adds:

Jakten-frier surprises intimate inspiration

– But it was very important for me to have the same amount of time with all the suitors and to treat everyone equally – at least in public. We always knew where we were, and I got loads of looks and smiles along the way, letting me know she was interested in me too.

Isfjordingen talks about his chosen one with stars in his eyes.

– She is sweet and charming. He likes to take things in big strides, and he has all the interests and personal qualities that I value, he says.

The 27-year-old also contributed to the farm during a busy period of sheep gathering. Provold thinks this is a positive.

– She’s very good at helping. I wasn’t looking for a so-called “farm girl”, but it’s a big plus that she is interested in animals and wants to help out in everyday life.

Transportation plans

At the time of writing, the lovebirds are living separately, but are planning to move in together for the long term after Magnussen sold the apartment in Ålesund.

– The plan is for Sophie to move in with me in Esfjordene. Then it is important that you take ownership of the place, and participate in all judgments. We haven’t set a date yet, he shares.

Despite being just over an hour’s drive from each other, the couple spends a lot of time together.

He was worried about one of the suitors: – I thought you collapsed

We meet several times a week and get together almost every weekend. We’re good at meeting up and coming up with things, so things are going well.

However, it wasn’t easy to keep the relationship under the radar in a small village while Jakten på loven appeared on TV.

– I expect some neighbors have seen us. It’s hard to hide it completely from everyone. We couldn’t go out to restaurants or do anything, but we were pretty good at getting appointments at home and making it comfortable there.

So being able to travel together will be a new experience.

– I can imagine it will be a little strange at first, says the 30-year-old with a laugh, and continues:

THE HIDDEN RELATIONSHIP: Farmers Jürgen Heine Brovold and Sophie Skodjevog Magnussen of Jacten have had to keep their relationship a secret while looking for love this fall.  Now they are looking to show off together.  Photo: TV 2

THE HIDDEN RELATIONSHIP: Farmers Jürgen Heine Brovold and Sophie Skodjevog Magnussen of Jacten have had to keep their relationship a secret while looking for love this fall. Now they are looking to show off together. Photo: TV 2

When we hug and kiss in the yard, I tend to look over my shoulder a little. It would be very good to be open about everything. Going to restaurants and stores together and doing what regular couples do.

– Desire for family

According to the farmer, the future prospects for the two extensions look very promising.

– The future with Sophie – It will be very good. We can have a wonderful and exciting life. We are a very good team that build each other up and have good conversations and then we want a family together. So the future, as of today, is very bright. Which is very very good.

Brovold is grateful for what Hunt for Love gave him, and doesn’t have a single negative word to say about the experience.

Jakten-Jørgen’s heated cabin comfort

– Being a part of Hunt – It was all worth it. It was so nice to be there – all the people I met – just to get to know your inner self, and learn to talk more about feelings – it’s very educational. In general, he was a king, he says, and concludes by saying:

– I really recommend others to participate in it.

Watch the entire season this year looking for love on me TV 2 play.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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