The Security Council demands that the Taliban fulfill their promises

The Security Council demands that the Taliban fulfill their promises

The Security Council demands full and unimpeded access for humanitarian actors in Afghanistan and stresses the importance of all parties’ compliance with international humanitarian law, says Secretary of State Ine Eriksen Soreide (H) in a statement sent to NTB.

– The Security Council expects the Taliban to contribute to the safe departure of Afghans. It is important that Afghanistan does not become a hotbed of terrorism again, and that all parties contribute to security around the Kabul airport.Says the foreign minister.

– The world follows

The Security Council met in New York on Monday. According to the Norwegian UN delegation, a resolution has been passed requiring, among other things, the possibility of safe departure for all Afghans and foreigners who wish to do so.

– With this decision, we make it clear that the world is closely following the situation, says Britain’s ambassador to the United Nations, Barbara Woodward.

In addition, the resolution includes requirements for unimpeded access to humanitarian aid, that human rights must be respected, especially women’s rights, and the need to combat terrorist groups.

The resolution does not call for a UN safe zone in Kabul, as France has suggested.

clear requirements

The Taliban have promised that anyone who wants to leave will be allowed to leave the country, and they have promised to respect women’s rights in Islam.

Western leaders said it was not yet clear whether the promises would be kept. The resolution sets out clear requirements for the Taliban, which were adopted without Russia or China vetoing them.

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The two veto powers voted in blank, while 13 of the 15 Security Council members voted in favour, including Norway.

That is why Russia voted blank

Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations said the resolution does not take the ISIS threat seriously, and that there is a risk that Afghanistan will be emptied of competent people if Afghans continue to flee the country.

– If we had had more time to work on these issues, the result would have been different, said UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzia.

The representative of China stressed that NATO countries remain responsible for the collapse of Afghanistan and should respect the autonomy of the Afghan people. China also called for an investigation into the US killing of civilians.

The representative of China said that the world must now work with the Taliban to find a secure and stable Afghanistan.

After the meeting, the veto powers of the UN Security Council will hold talks with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres about the situation.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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