The Synod in Rome will be held for the Veränderungen eingeschoren

The Synod in Rome will be held for the Veränderungen eingeschoren

Vatican City, 23.10.2023 (KAP) At the beginning of the last week of meeting in Rome, the Synod of the Catholic World announced the Offenheit für dynamische Veränderungen eingestimmt. In two great spiritual and theological motives, approximately 350 participants and participants were requested at the meeting on Monday morning, for Veränderungen bereit zu sein und nicht in Kontroversen zu verfallen.

British Dominican Timothy Radcliffe appealed to the Synod, in order to expand its scope, for “fruitless party democracy.” “This is not the case with the Synode. The process of the complex is organic (…) There is a lot of heat in these Baumes and there is a lot to do and how to use it for more information,” so die Mahnung des 78-Jährigen.

Radcliffe, who has long served as head of the Dominican Order worldwide, has in the past three weeks brought ever-new spiritual impulses to shape the thinking and discourse of the gathering in Rome. His ideas and suggestions were taken up by many participants in their contributions.

He takes over the dwarf Monate bis zur Zweiten, and finishes the Synodin contract in October 2024, Radcliffe returns to the Impuls am Montag final with one of the Schwangerschaft. It’s just a time for Wartens to be active. It is also said: “If we keep our minds and hearts open to the people we meet here, receptive to their hopes and fears, their words will sprout in our lives and ours will grow in theirs. They will be rich, they will be there for you. They will grow in your lives.”

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Having become more extensive with the impetus given by the head of the Italian order, Maria Grazia Angelini, the Synod had ceased, a single synthesis as it had begun, a reformist style without a new form. This is why, without words, the words are weak, the whole house is and the fruits are there.

“Tradition is a living reality”

The most important theological motivation for starting die Letzte Synodenwoche set der australische theologian Professor Ormond Rush von der Australian Catholic University in Brisbane. He remembers the decisions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). These objects contain the dynamics of Kirchlichen traditions that contributed to established traditions and superior traditions.

Zum Beleg, Rush cited Konzilsberater Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI). Dieser schrieb in einem Konzilskommentar: “Nicht alles, Was es in der Kirche gibt, muss deshalb auch eine a legitimate tradition in itself.” “It’s as real as any legitimate tradition,” Ratzinger said. Thus, tradition must also be “critically planned;

Rush cited Pope Francis in this regard. This is what he said in 2017: “Tradition is an ideal reality and no one can imagine it (…) Glaubensgut, as in statistics, Unbewegliches vorstellen.” He continued: “The plant is a dynamic, exemplary and ever-evolving work.”

“Wait carefully for the answer.”

Die Synode sei ein “Dialog mit Gott,” the theologian reminded her again. The spiritual conversation conducted by the “Privileg und Herausdorff” during the Synod has turned to Rush into Versammelten. “Wait well on Ihre Antwort.”

The motive then stood before the world’s greatest Synod discussion and discussion. You can also download the text from the “Botschaft and Volk Gottes” screen. Over the course of the week, the Synod should discuss further progress until the next meeting in October 2024 and decide on a valid preliminary final paper in the form of Synthesebericht.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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