The system has received a major overhaul: here Tim Berglund checks out all the news

The system has received a major overhaul: here Tim Berglund checks out all the news

According to project manager Konstantine Karantasis, this is the biggest update in a long time. Among other things, the APIs have been updated from the previous version, the queue system offers many other news, writes Version 2.

Watch Confluent tech evangelist Tim Berglund talk about all the new updates at the bottom of the box.

queuing system

Kafka makes it easier for large IT systems to talk to each other. Instead of subsystems sending messages loosely up in the air, Kafka acts as an assembly line that captures and sends instructions from the various components of the program back to the parent system.

This is done using themes that the original system has in common.

Nav, Ruter, and Finn are among the well-known Norwegian names that use Kafka in their production systems.

The new Router app is built in Node and allows the queue system to handle the flow of information, and when Nav overhauled its front-end solutions last year, they built the new solution in Javascript and React, while allowing Kafka to take care of all the events and data flows from the software components.

The Apache system can handle millions of requests, sending and receiving hundreds of terabytes of data per second. The Queue System was developed by Linkedin in 2011 and was a residential project there, before the same year gaining good momentum in open source environments around the world.

raft tar up for zookeeper

Kafka is built in Skala and Java.

The software component Raft is by far the biggest news in this release.

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Version 2 describes it as a consensus mechanism.

Raft will eventually replace the Apache Zookeeper key value database, which is used for configuration, synchronization, and name service, when the component is completely finished. According to project director Konstantine Karantasis, Raft is not yet fully ripe for production, but it is on its way.

Kafka also announced that they are moving away from Java 8 and Scala 2.12. From the fourth version, the technologies will no longer be supported by the queue system.

Watch Tim Berglund talk more about the updates in this video:

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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