The Taliban launch a major attack on Mazar-i-Sharif – VG

The Taliban launch a major attack on Mazar-i-Sharif – VG

Defense: Afghan security forces are on the outskirts of Mazar-i-Sharif on Tuesday this week. Now the local authorities reported that the Taliban launched a major attack on the city to the AP news agency. Photo: Mirwais Bezhan/AP

A spokesman for the local authorities said that the Taliban are now attacking from several directions in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif. AP.


Status is updated.

The city is of great strategic and religious importance in the country. The Northern Alliance, which helped defeat the Taliban in 2001, is headquartered here.

Norwegian forces were also stationed in the city between 2006-2014.

The country’s president, Ashraf Ghani, visited the city on Wednesday this week to encourage the city’s defense.

At least 18 provincial capitals in Afghanistan are now under Taliban control. On Saturday morning, there were also reports that the group had Occupied the capital of Logar County, Which is eighty miles south of the capital.

In an interview with defense forum The Norwegian military attache to Afghanistan, Arne Christian Sornese, says there is a good chance the Taliban will attempt to seize the capital this fall.

– It is difficult to say anything about what the Taliban will do next. But there are many indications that they are now preparing to head towards Kabul. As it now appears, there is a good chance that the Taliban will try to take Kabul already this fall, says Sornese defense forum.

embassies evacuation

At the same time that the Taliban movement is advancing by leaps and bounds in the country, a large-scale evacuation of the embassies of several countries is now taking place in the country’s capital, Kabul.

On Friday night, Norwegian Foreign Minister In Eriksen Soered (h) announced that The Norwegian Embassy in Kabul will be evacuated.

– She said during a press conference on Friday, that it is an admission that the deterioration in the security situation is proceeding at a faster pace than anyone expected.

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Members of the Norwegian Armed Forces will remain in the country. The United States, Denmark and Germany are also evacuating their embassies in Kabul.

Evacuation of the Embassy: – It is necessary to do this in the sense that we see the situation is rapidly deteriorating, and although Kabul is not under attack, it is clear that it is a situation in which the Taliban are approaching, said Ine Eriksen. Soreid during a press conference. Photo: Berit Roald

Over the weekend, US forces will help secure the evacuation from Kabul. In a statement, Pentagon Secretary of State John F. Kirby said the United States plans to deploy about 3,000 troops to the city. Press Conference.

– Kirby told the press that this is a specific, precisely focused operation designed specifically to assist in the safe transportation of civilian personnel in Kabul.

to me CNN The US Embassy in Kabul is said to have instructed its staff to destroy sensitive materials.

Report from the US Security Service, reproduced by others ReutersIt considers that the Taliban may be able to isolate Kabul within 30 days and that the capital may be occupied within 90 days.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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