There is no room for lack of great ambitions for the knowledge sector

There is no room for lack of great ambitions for the knowledge sector

debate Carrie Ann Jones

Good collaboration between educational institutions and the business sector is critical to solving the challenges of tomorrow, writes Høyre’s Carrie Ann Jeunesse.

This text is a discussion post. The content of the text expresses the opinion of the author.

knowledge sector The interlocutor is in many ways the entire future knowledge society. There is no room for lack of great ambitions. This applies to the prime minister, the sector itself, and the parliament. The field of knowledge holds a special place when it comes to the need for predictability, long-term, and comprehensiveness.

Investing in knowledge Competence, research and education always pay off. Sometimes it takes a while before we see results, so safety and predictability are absolutely essential.

Not I suspect that if we are to create value and stability across the country in the future as well, the university and college sector must work closely with business in the coming years to ensure access to the right skills across the country.

We are the candidates Graduates each year from the nation’s universities and colleges make the largest and most important contribution to spreading knowledge and expertise to the nation’s businesses, public offices, classrooms, and health care.

educational presentation High quality based on a solid research foundation is one of the biggest and most important tasks that we collectively have the responsibility to ensure.

Without knowingprogram And high-quality efficiency, we can solve the challenges of tomorrow. A good educational offer is also important to realize the opportunities we have, based on our natural advantages.

He has the right High ambitions for the higher education sector We have expectations and confidence that good priorities are set in line with general guidelines, so that working life obtains the necessary competence to meet the challenges of tomorrow and contribute to restructuring.

research and development It is not just limited to universities and colleges, but it also happens to a large extent in the business world and in the institute sector. It is therefore important that research priorities are seen in context. It is not a good idea to set priorities within the budgetary area of ​​the Ministry of Knowledge, if there are cuts in sectoral ministries at the same time.

Everyone should take it Responsibility for research, and the Ministry of Knowledge should have a coordinating role to ensure that industry-oriented research is not deprioritized.

Vocational schools are An important part of the education system, which is close to practical and commercial life. They depend on NOKUT to be able to deliver the required education in a timely manner. It is therefore important for both vocational schools, but not least for the working and business world, that NOKUT does not become an obstacle in the system. On the other hand, they must be given framework conditions that enable them to contribute to the approval and start of the required education, which has been developed in collaboration with the world of work and business.

Access to experience It is crucial to the development of society, democracy and trust. It is therefore important that policy be governed on the basis of knowledge with the most important thing in mind, which is to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality knowledge, regardless of who they are or where they live, and that organizations are given an opportunity to solve the task as they think it is best.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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