– There was no “Big Bang” – Doc

– There was no “Big Bang” – Doc

American astronomer Eric J. Lerner concludes in his book A Article – Commodity With that new knowledge about the universe brought to us from the space telescope James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), refutes the Big Bang hypothesis – and has caused ‘panic’ among astronomers:

– The new images of the universe from JWST are beautiful and impressive. But for astronomers and cosmologists, they are quite surprising – they are not at all as predicted by the theory. In the series of papers published since July 12, the authors repeatedly express that the images show a surprising number of galaxies, galaxies that are surprisingly regular/smooth, surprisingly small, and surprisingly old.

Surprises are many and they are not necessarily fun. The title of an article begins with the honest phrase: «panic!»

Why are images from JWST causing consternation among cosmologists? What are the theories that contradict the images? Actually there is nothing about it in the articles.

The truth is that the images from the JWST openly and repeatedly contradict the hypothesis that the universe originated 14 billion years ago in what we refer to as the “Big Bang” and that it has been expanding ever since.

This hypothesis has been defended for several decades as an indisputable fact by the vast majority of cosmologists – and they are now in a state of panic. “Now I find myself getting up at 3 in the morning,” says University of Kansas astronomer Alison Kirkpatrick.I wonder if everything I did was wrong».

It was supported by the bulk of astronomers and cosmologists from the standard form The Big Bang hypothesis proposed by George Lemaitre Almost a century ago, but Not everyone was familiar with her. But few people expected that the JWST space telescope would contribute to the debate.

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Lerner says that one of the founders of the theory, Paul Steinhardt, retracted the Big Bang theory, calling it false and “scientifically illogical”. It is largely based on the “inflation hypothesis,” which states that the universe initially expanded faster than the speed of light. But experiments have not been able to prove cosmic inflation and there are many unanswered questions related to the theory.

Eric J. wrote. Lerner that anyone who questions the Big Bang theory is quickly dismissed as unfit for their job and likely forfeited public research funding as theorists control the committees who spent their lives building the Big Bang theory. There were also many critical responses to Lerner’s article.

The abandonment of cosmic inflation theory is radical. Competing theories such as big bounce Or staying away from the speed of light absolutely, the options might be. on me HowTheLightGetsIn-Festival in London September 17-18 this year, Lerner is invited to participate in the discussionCosmology and the Great Statue».

Eric J Lerner

Eric J Lerner He is the founder of Lawrenceville Plasma Physics, Inc. He also serves as President and Chief Scientist. He has published nearly 600 articles and has received awards from the Aerospace Writers Association. In 2006, he was a visiting researcher at the European Southern Observatory in Chile. The book was published in 1992 The Big Bang didn’t happen.

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