These are the “myths and misconceptions” surrounding Windows 11

These are the “myths and misconceptions” surrounding Windows 11

Microsoft wants you to use a Microsoft account with Windows, and to use Windows 10 And A local account, they have more to tell you and the administrator.

Microsoft is trying to convince companies to upgrade

The transition from Windows 10 to Windows 11 hasn't gone nearly as quickly as Microsoft had hoped, and they probably haven't had as much success with the operating system since Windows 7 when almost everyone agreed that the big and all is upgrading is worth it.

With Windows 11, Microsoft overhauled the Modern interface and got rid of most of the old interfaces. Changes were also made to the start menu, but the vast majority of the changes were not practical, for example. Search is still messy and slow (instead of a search that works, the focus is on tools in the start menu), and when it comes to performance improvements or essential must-have features, it's hard to find 11 that offers any of the following: Significant, hence one cannot expect performance improvements.

We've repeatedly pointed out that numbers from Statcounter don't reveal any breakthrough growth for Windows 11, but now numbers from the same source show that the OS Shrinks. Figures for March this year reveal that OS dropped from 28.18 percent to 26.72 percent and thus lost 1.46 points. There are other operating systems that are also losing users, but it is clear that 11 is the one that lost the most and thus they seem to have moved on to Windows 10 the most, which increases to 69.04 percent market support and is up 1.81 points.

Itavesen, April 1, 2024

Microsoft, in a blog post aimed at businesses, claims that there are “myths and misconceptions” that need to be addressed regarding Windows 11, and that the latest operating system is essentially similar to its predecessor:

“In fact, the builds of Windows 10 and Windows 11 are the same as Windows 10 Feature Update. If you're like most organizations, feature updates aren't big projects. Windows 11 is built on top of Windows 10, and it has a Windows 10 build number to achieve Maximum compatibility so you can take a business as usual approach to this upgrade.

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Windows 11 is built on the same foundation as Windows 10. It's an evolution that enhances Windows 10's strengths and addresses its limitations.

Microsoft then lists the things it thinks companies misunderstand most often:

  • Misconception #1: To deploy Windows 11, you must simultaneously go “full cloud native.”
  • Misconception #2: A name change means a big change.
  • Misconception #3: App compatibility is a risk when upgrading to Windows 11.
  • Misconception #4: Changing your Windows 11 experience means your work productivity will be negatively affected.
  • Misconception #5: Variation in device configuration increases total cost of ownership.

Harjit Dhaliwal, senior product marketing manager at Windows Commercial, edited the post to conclude that many companies had upgraded and that the upgrade to Windows 11 was no more advanced than any rollout:

“Although there are costs and risks associated with adopting or resisting change, moving from Windows 10 to Windows 11 can be done with confidence and considered business as usual.” In fact, many organizations have already built the muscle to be able to deploy Windows 10's 14 semi-annual feature updates so far, and Windows 11 simply represents the next version of them.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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